


.:::The beauty spot was borrowed:::.

3:10 to YumaTorstai 14.05.2009 23:42

"You ever read the bible, Dan? I read it one time. I was eight years old. My daddy just got hisself killed over a shot of whiskey and my mama said “we’re going back East to start over”. So she gave me a bible, sat me down in the train station, told me to read it. She was gonna get our tickets. Well, I did what she said. I read that bible from cover to cover. It took me three days. She never came back."

4½ / 5

//Unforgiven//Torstai 14.05.2009 03:27

"You better bury Ned right; and don't go cuttin' up... nor otherwise harm no whores, or I'll come back and kill every one of you sons-a-bitches."

4½ / 5

thizzle crizzle mizzle!Keskiviikko 13.05.2009 22:55

Ihanaa vihdoinkin inspisMaanantai 11.05.2009 01:29

Sateen raiskaama

://Torstai 07.05.2009 01:50

neuroosi, o i r e-n e u r o o s i,

neuroosi jossa ihmisellä on enemmän tai vähemmän häiritseviä *minä-dystonisia *symptomeita, kuten *ahdistusta, *somaattisia oireita, *fobioita ja/tai *obsessionaalisia *oireita. *Luonne on tavallisesti joustavampi kuin (tietyssä mielessä vastakohtaisessa) *karaktääri-neuroosissa.

B.O.R.I.N.GKeskiviikko 06.05.2009 22:55

Mieli ihan sumeena sitä vaan kuljetaan...?Keskiviikko 06.05.2009 04:15
