
Minä&ihana englantiniSunnuntai 23.11.2008 03:02

Nyappy~!!! An Cafe's coming to Finland again! <33<33 omg I can't belive it! x3

School is not going very well. That's not very surprising... heh. '^^

Physics. math, history, english, psychology, p.e.... -___________- I hate them all and oon paska niis kaikis.

I have watched maany films in past few weeks.... Grease, Hard Day's Night, Carlito's way, Sea of love, Serpico, The Godfather I&II&III and Scent of a woman. ^^

They were all veery good ecxept Serpico... It was... weird. lol :D

And I have also watched Married with children seasons 3&7&11. ^^

They're awsome. :DD

� �

I have almost played through Scarface. TT___TT 93% is now done. It's very sääd. D: But no can do. ^^ I will probably get as present electric guitar next christmas. <3

But it's not sure yet. D:

And we will buy guinea pig with my sister. ^^ They're so cute. :3

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