


Danke Schön 20/6/2010, 25/11/2011 und 15/2/2012
Phoenix Effect - Magic

It's not a simple thing for me to say I care
And even harder still to know what else to share
Seems I've always chosen to find my way by feel
Like I always kinda thought it ain't no big deal

But I see it now
Cos you opened my eyes
And for the first time in my life
I know I'm really gonna try
To make it somehow
Won't close my eyes
With such beauty to behold
I'd be a fool a thousandfold

You make life beautiful and the world a place worth living in
For you I'd take the fall again, get up and never give in

Because you're magic, everytime
feels like magic, I swear to god

I'm not big on bright ideas to change the world
And what little I have to contribute, I'm sure you've already heard
But my heart knows how to always keep it real
Whatever empty can goes rattling it aint no big deal

Cos I see it now
Like a new sunrise
Over cyanide skies
Relight the fireflies
I'm here right now
Won't close my eyes
With such beauty to behold
I'd be a fool a thousandfold

You make life beautiful and the world a place worth living in
For you I'd take the fall again, get up and never give in

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