


Kuljen läpi elämä, perässä sen tarkotuksen

I CARE ABOUT YOU!Perjantai 07.11.2008 16:51

It's almost two years, when we last time met, and almost three years
that when we broke up, we promise to be friends and call to ourselves, we promise
communicate and maybe try again, I don't know where it disappeared, what happened to it,
maybe in our relationship was too much everything, what I'm gonna do now, where I can get
some comfort, I will never get you back, but I care about you

Although we fall into divorce
I care about you, I care about you
Even if dreams can not become true
I care about you, I care about you
Even if I can't say it
I care about you, I care about you

We promise to be friends, but now its more hold about you, I can't regard
your new boyfriend, I've been thinking our relationship maybe little too much,
My junction closed, And I don't even have a job, we got our own home, but I wasn't
in residence, I was careless, it is pointless to wail, if I can decide now, I could start
from the word go, I wouldn't do the same mistakes, because I care about you

And when I think the things preciser
everything could be a bit better

Hey yes, hey yes, what wrong with me, haven't, haven't, we saw a longtime ago, I still think about you day after day, and I can't fall in love with anyone else, do you have the same fiilings about me, if I confront you, then where it lead, does it help if I show my repentance, I would tell you, that I care about you

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