


poetic enough for you ?

Prätkikset<3Maanantai 30.04.2007 18:50

VINNIE: Yep, that's me! I'm the baddest motorcycle mamma-jammer in the universe!
THROTTLE: Modest, too.

VINNIE: Hey sweetheart--room for two on my bike.
CHARLEY: Yeah. You and your ego.

VINNIE: Hey, what's that?
MODO: That's Morse code!
THROTTLE: What's it sayin', Modo?
MODO: It saysÂ…beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep!

VINNIE: Whatcha writin', Modo, good-buddy, trucker twin? Somethin' cool, nothin' blue, you copy?
MODO: It's from the bottom of my heart, bro.
VINNIE: AwwÂ… "To Vinnie--who broke this arm trying to pat himself on the back?!?? Get better soon!??"

MUNSTERELLA: Mice for the midday meal! How trés chic!
VINNIE: Hey! You can't eat me! I'm too cool to die!

THROTTLE: (regarding Modo) Poor guy. This just ain't like him.
VINNIE: Yeah, we gotta cheer him up somehow! I could sing him a song!
CHARLEY: Vinnie, aren't things bad enough already?

On ne niin ihania<3

//Muoks: Ne jotka ei tiedä, Vinnie = Vinski, Throttle = Turbo, Modo = Moto, Charley = Santtu

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