


*~...we are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours...~*

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xDDDDLauantai 02.02.2008 02:20

SR - Okay, now I got some fan questions as well and then we are almost done. Uhm, they want to know your bad habits!

Juha: AhÂ… I donÂ’t have any. (laughter)

SR - You are perfect?

Juha: Yeah.
Juhani: I have too manyÂ…
Ilkka: Something in between those twoÂ… maybe?
Juha: I donÂ’t know, itÂ’s likeÂ… baaaad habitsÂ… No, I donÂ’t smoke, I donÂ’t drink, soÂ…
Juhani: Oh, you have a bad habit, youÂ’re eating your hair!
Juha: But thatÂ’s a good habit! (laughter)
Juhani: If you ask me, JuhaÂ’s bad habit is eating his hair.
Juha: OkayÂ…

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