


C'est la vie bitches


- Vanhemmat »

NINE INCH NAILSSunnuntai 21.05.2006 22:38

Nine Inch Whales is an Albanian hip-hop act that was created in 1984 as the brainchild of Jimbo Wales as a means of raising money to support his debilitating Wikipedia habit.

Conceived to be a new version of the always popular boy band, it rivalled other popular acts such as New Kids on the Block and Madonna.

Nine Inch Whales was first signed to a major record label in 1985, but due to a tragic motorcycle accident, their first record Pretty Hate Machine was delayed by several years. It was released to lukewarm media acceptance and sold like room temperature cakes.

Nonetheless, it featured the popular singles "Sin" and "The Safety Dance".

Following a period of creative inconsistency and a break-up with live-in lover Mahatma Gandhi, NIW released their next album The Downward Spiral in 1994, which was known only for the popular Fuck You Like an Whale song.

NIW toured extensively across the US and China, discovering Florida-based act Marilyn Manson along the way. They got along famously and have since enjoyed a long and productive friendship, although insider sources question whether they are 'too close to just be friends'.

In 1999, NIW unleashed their third studio album, called "The Emotionally Secure". Cameos abounded in this album, including vocals from Manson, former inspiration Madonna, and Jesus, whom they accepted as Lord and Saviour during the Downward Spiral tour.

These days fans the world over (except for those fuckheads in Morocco) are anxiously awaiting NIW's new studio album, tentatively called "With Baleen". Internet leaks of their first single "Sk8r Boi", complete with a video portraying NIW dressed as pigs, have only whetted fans appetites but they were quickly satiated with what observers described as a 'delicious-looking ham sandwich'.

As Nine Inch Whales happens to be the only source of energy for the entire Midwest, the United States Government is pursuing a project that could possibly make Nine Inch Whales split into three. Nine, Inch, and Whales (the three branches) would be used as fuel for the giant nuclear reactor that is located deep within the centre of The Downward Spiral.

They also tortured monkeys and killed living things for their own entertainment (including a gothy dude), then released it into a "Video Cassete Tape" for everyone to see. It was called "Unfixed", and it started the ESPN drought of 2347 AC. It was a horrible year in history.

NIW next album is due March 31. 2010.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.05.2006 05:25

<ylläpito> Yhteisö "kuolema alaikäisille" on poistettu IRC-Galleriasta. Syy: Asiaton yhteisö.

SOME BATMAN FACTS:Torstai 27.04.2006 00:08

Batman is continuously defeating his enemies, and then setting them free, which keeps him employed.

Batman likes Wild Turkey, but - brother! - Wild Turkey doesn't like Batman.

Batman's favourite film is Bram Stoker's Count Chocula.

When Batman's Batmobile moves at 88 miles per hour it TRAVELS THROUGH TIME!!!!

Batman will call you Betty if you call him Al.

Batman probably exists.

Batman trained all his life to be the best at everything, including break dancing and sexual activities that involve Elvis impersonators.

Batman has more money than you do.

Batman can breathe in outer space.

Batman takes off the mask in his spare time and sings under the pseudonym Bruce Dickinson.

Batman is not, and never has been, filled with creamy nougat. Marzipan maybe, but not nougat.

You are not Batman.

BATMAN ISN'T GAY, DAMMIT! ...he was just in an experimental phase...

Everything Batman owns starts with bat.

LINKIN PARK: THE TRUE STORYMaanantai 24.04.2006 01:30

A favorite of 16 year old girls, goths, 13 year old boys and Internet tough guys, Linkin Park specializes in angst-ridden music about gay shit like depression, self injury, suicide, being ignored, being misunderstood, being fucked over, being screwed over, being bummed over and generally the individual suffering in an uncaring, cruel and ridiculing society.
The typical Linkin Park fan can be recognised by their artistically draped baggy clothes and sulky, depressed expression. However the latter observation goes for anything related to the angsty-teen movement.
Chester Bennington, a.k.a "Chester the Molester", is the lead singer. He's known for screaming, being a rat-boy, homosexuality, and his tattoos. In recent years, Bennington's marriage failed primarily due to his extensive collection of gay porn.

Viking factsPerjantai 31.03.2006 00:12

1.They wrote the book on getting drunk, getting on a boat and pillaging a country or two. France and England benefited extremely well from the pillaging and general invasion by the Vikings.

2.The Vikings are known for their kinky hat choices and forgetting they made it to the Americas first. Some of them still haven't remembered getting all the way to Australia. True masters of driving drunk.

3.Do not attempt to engage a fan of Viking Metal in conversation. Björn will rape your soul with his superior musical taste and steal your woman with his fertile loins

4.It is known that if a man has anal sex with another man, it is not gay if he does it like a viking.

5.Viking inventions: Beserker training, longboats, kinky helmets, Iceland and/or Greenland, Manowar.
- Vanhemmat »