


R.I.P. Mitch Lucker 1984-2012. Thank you for the music and inspiration.

My city screams...Tiistai 18.11.2008 20:53

Of love and lies these street´s hold thousands of stories to tell, some of them buried and forgotten but we can see the remonissions in the eyes of the beholders. Grief so deep that it has already crawled to nest in their hearts. How can we save the one´s that we love from this endless sorrow

My city screams with no voice, these streets will bury us all, broken dreams that they hold, will we ever be whole again.

My heart bleeds black the same black that is in the corner of your eyes, I´ve seen the darkness and now all I can see is sadness, the fear of losing in the eyes of lovers and the newborn trying to get hold on something just to feel warm, how can we save the one´s we love from this endless sorrow.

My city screams with no voice, these streets will bury us all, broken dreams that they hold, will we ever be whole again.

We bled our hearts dry, in pursuit to fullfill our dreams now trying to forget that our dreams ever even existed.

How can we save the one´s we love if we cant even save ourselves, demons from the corners of our minds consuming dream´s die when innosense is sacrificed

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