Tämä sivu käyttää evästeitä palveluiden toimittamisessa, mainosten personoinnissa ja liikenteen analysoinnissa. Käyttämällä sivustoa hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Lisätietoja




is just average guy

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 10.03.2010 11:40

* Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009 Sulake Dynamoid
* usertheme-basic
* Version. 1.01 / iSampo
* Contains all necessary CSS selectors and properties for basic theme.
* Learn more about CSS: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_intro.asp

/* The outer background */
body { background-image:url("http://i2.ytimg.com/bg/aabyF51E-UvXJ4w1e6iZiw/105.jpg?app=bg&v=4b2bb9a8");
background-attachment:fixed; }

/* Basic text */
#top, #center, #left { color: black; }

/* All normal links */
a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active { font-size:11px; color: black; }

/* Links at center area of the page*/
#center a, #center a:hover, #center a:active { color: #0094B3; }


/***** TOP OF THE PAGE *****/
/*** H1 */

/** H1 menu (Main menu - Front page, Images, Videos...) */
#h1-menu { background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/banner.png?h=60115280eff20ec127308ff0d870d1d9772813d1&t=1268305612")
background-position:center; }
/* Main menu list */
#h1-menu .menulist { background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/layerulkonak.png?h=d01781b0824c2f4c215910dd6aceee1b351ce836&t=1268342674");
background-repeat:repeat;; }

/* Menu list item */
#h1-menu .menulist li { background: background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/layerulkonak.png?h=d01781b0824c2f4c215910dd6aceee1b351ce836&t=1268342674");
background-repeat:repeat;; }

/* Menu list item link */
#h1-menu .menulist li a { color: #D4F0FF; }

/* H1 actions */
#h1-actions { background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/layerulkonak.png?h=d01781b0824c2f4c215910dd6aceee1b351ce836&t=1268342674");
background-repeat:repeat;; }

/** H1 actions list (Add image, Add video...) */
#h1-actions a { color: #D4F0FF; }

/** Default action images (New comments, Own, Friends, Random, Settings) */

/* New comment link */
#h1-actions .new-comments .personal {background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/layerulkonak.png?h=d01781b0824c2f4c215910dd6aceee1b351ce836&t=1268342674");
background-repeat:repeat; }

/* New content on friend link */
#h1-actions #friendtracer a { color: #FF8A92; }

/* Friend has content window (appears when you click the link in the menu) */
#friendtracer-window { background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/layerulkonak.png?h=d01781b0824c2f4c215910dd6aceee1b351ce836&t=1268342674");
background-repeat:repeat; border: 1px solid #1C425E; color: #DAEEFF; }
#friendtracer-window a { color: #7EDBEE; }

/* New comment on channel/community link */
#h1-actions .new-comments .channel { background: transparent url(/imgbashi/icon_channel_small.png) no-repeat 7px center; color: #83FFAF; }

#h1-actions .action-friends a { background: transparent url(/img/bshi/icon_friend_small.png) no-repeat 7px center; }
#h1-actions .action-randomuser a { background: transparent url(/img/ashi/icon_random_small.png) no-repeat 7px center; }
#h1-actions .action-user a { background: transparent url(/img/bashi/icon_user_small.png) no-repeat 7px center; }
#h1-actions .action-pictureadd a { background: transparent url(/img/ashi/icon_add_image_small.png) no-repeat 7px center; }
#h1-actions .action-videoadd a { background: transparent url(/img/ashi/icon_add_video_small.png) no-repeat 7px center; }
#h1-actions .action-blogadd a { background: transparent url(/img/bshi/icon_add_blog_small.png) no-repeat 7px center; }
#h1-actions .action-settingsedit a { background: transparent url(/ig/bashi/icon_settings_small.png) no-repeat 7px center; }

/*** /H1 */

/*** H2 (After H1, contains small image, your nickname, mood edit form and H2 menu) */

#h2 { background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/layerulkonak.png?h=d01781b0824c2f4c215910dd6aceee1b351ce836&t=1268342674");
background-repeat:repeat; }

/* Your nickname */
#h2 h2 { color: #F1FBFF; }

/* The moodtext (tilateksti), visible only for people viewing your profile */
#h2-menu .subtitle { color: #DAEEFF; }

/** H2 menu (Submenu - Profile, Albums, Blog...) */
/* Menu link */
#h2-menu .menulist li a { background: #1d4a67; color: #D4F0FF; }

/* Selected menu link (Profile) */
#h2-menu .menulist li.selected a { background: #234B6C; }

/*** /H2 */

/***** /TOP OF THE PAGE *****/

/***** BOXES *****/

/*** Left boxes */

/* Box background */
#left .box .header,
#left .box .center,
#left .box .footer {
color: black; background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/Tummepiulkonak.png?h=8c426b2ba0bb259a33e9b218e93f159dc94fa726&t=1268707539");


/* Box header text color */
#left .box .header h3 { color: #DAEEFF; }

/** Left box actions (e.g. edit button at info-box) */
#left .box .header .actions ul li { background: #285880; }

/* Boxes "under" the other boxes (Little darker by default) */
#left .box.under, #left .box.under .header,
#left .box.under .center, #left .box.under .footer {
color: black; background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/Tummepiulkonak.png?h=8c426b2ba0bb259a33e9b218e93f159dc94fa726&t=1268707539");

/** Misc left boxes stuff */

/* Left menu lists (Add new picture, Add new video...) */

/* Left menu list item */
#left .content .menulist li {
background: url(/img/bashi/left_menulist_bulletin.gif) no-repeat left 4px;

/* Left menu list links */
#left .content .menulist li a { }

/* Left menu list strong text */
#left .content .menulist li a strong { color: #DAEEFF !important; }

/* /Left menu lists */

/* The titles at left box and peepbox (Userinfo titles, community categories...) */
#left dt, .peepbox dt { color: #A5C31D; }

/* Values (e.g. visitorcounter) */
#left .value, #center .value { color: #E98300; }

/* Thumblist (e.g. album listing box at left) */
.thumblist li.hover .itemdesc, .thumblist li.selected .itemdesc,
.thumblist li:hover .itemdesc { background: #183c5b; }

/** Misc left boxes stuff*/

/* Override for first box */
#left .first .header .actions { padding: 10px 20px 0; }
#left .first .header .actions ul { top: 6px; z-index: 999; }

/*** /Left boxes */

/*** Center boxes */
/* Center area */
#center-content { color: black; background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/Tummepiulkonak.png?h=8c426b2ba0bb259a33e9b218e93f159dc94fa726&t=1268707539");
background-repeat:repeat; }

/* Center box */
#center .box { color: black; background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/Tummepiulkonak.png?h=8c426b2ba0bb259a33e9b218e93f159dc94fa726&t=1268707539");

/* Center box actions (e.g. delete comments button) */
#center .box .header .actions ul li { color: black; background-image:url("http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/Tummepiulkonak.png?h=8c426b2ba0bb259a33e9b218e93f159dc94fa726&t=1268707539");
background-repeat:repeat; }

/** Paginated boxes */

/* Header, contains the "Back to album", "Add new note" and pager links */
#center .paginated .header { background: #CCD0BB; }

/* The pager itself */
#center .paginated .prevnext { background: #EEF2E7; }

/** /Paginated boxes */

/** Other boxes (Comment box, Last.fm box...) */

/* This is the container for the content (Darker by default) */
#center div.insider { background: #A4AB97; }

/* Box background */
#center div.insider .header,
#center div.insider .center,
#center div.insider .footer { background:black; }

/* Box header text color */
#center div.insider .header h3 { color: #59050; }

/** /Other boxes */

/** Peepbox (Box when hovering communities or nicknames) */
.peepbox .footer { background: #24C6B; color: #DAEEFF; }
/** /Peepbox */

/** Infobox (The box that appears when hovering user's nickname or community) */
#infobox_1 { background: #ff; border: 1px solid #cc; }
/** /Infobox */

/*** /Center boxes */

/*** COMMENTS */

/* New comments */
#newcomments { color: black; }

/* Normal comments */
.comments .comment { color: black; }

/* Comments marked to be deleted */
.comments .deleted .comment,
#comments .deleted .comment { color: #888 !important; }

/* Delete comment link */
.comments .deletecomment a,
#comments .content .deletecomment a { color: #FF6000; }

/* Own comments */
.comments .owner .comment,
.comments .own,
.comments .own td.comment,
#comments tr.owner { color: red; }

/* Admin's comments */
.form-comment .admin_comment,
#form-comment .admin_comment,
.comments .admintext,
.comments .personal .comment { color: black;; }

/* Private comments */
#center .form-comment label.private,
#center label.private,
.comments .private td,
.comments .private .comment { color: #DD3664; }
#comment.private { border-color: #DD3664; }

/* Smileyselector */
.smileyselector, #smileyselector {
background: #E6E9E1;
border: 1px solid #A4AB97;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;

/*** /COMMENTS */

/***** /BOXES *****/

/***** IMAGES *****/

/* Imageimage (main profile image) */
#center .imageimage { border: 6px solid #D06C5; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; border-radius: 6px; }

/* Thumb images (e.g. album listing box at left) */
.thumb .thumbstamp { color: #8398A0; }
.thumb .thumbimage { background: white; border: 1px solid #AFB1AA; }

/***** /IMAGES *****/

/***** NOTES *****/

#notes .hoverinner { background: url(/img/bashi/1x1trans.gif); }
#notes .hover1 { border: 1px solid #90A2B6; }
#notes .hover2 { border: 1px solid white; }
#notes .hover3 { border: 1px dashed white; }
#notes .hover1 .hoverinner { border: 1px solid #162538; }
#notes .hover2 .hoverinner { border: 1px solid black; }
#notes .hover3 .hoverinner { border: 1px dashed black; }
#notes span.notetext { background: #162538; border: 1px solid #90A2B6; color: #DAE6ED; }
#notes .sw,
#notes .se,
#notes .nw,
#notes .ne { background-color: white; border: 1px solid black; }

/***** /NOTES *****/


If you are just making basic theme and changing background and text colors
and other basic stuff, you don't need to edit rest of the values started from here.

These are like notifications, errors, warnings
and other stuff that looks good the way they are.


/***** FORMS *****/
This stuff looks good like it is, so it's recommended to leave these like this

/* Delete links (Do not remove the backgrounds or you won't be able to see links!) */
a.delete { background: url(/img/bashi/button_delete_red.gif) no-repeat left center; }
a.delete span { display: none; }
#left a.delete { background: url(/img/bashi/left_button_delete_red.gif) no-repeat left center; }

/* Add and expand links (small symbol images by default) */
.button.unban { background: url(/img/bashi/button_add.gif) no-repeat left center; }
.button.expand-down { background: url(/img/bashi/center_fat_arrow_down.gif) no-repeat right 5px; }

/* Text inputs (Default nice background image with rounded corners) */
input.text { background: #FDFFFA url(/img/bashi/center_input.gif) repeat-x top; border: 1px solid #ACB0A6; border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; color: #130202; }
select { background: #FDFFFA; }

#left select,
#left textarea,
#left input.text { border: 0; }

/* Errors in inputs (text inputs and error messages) */
.inputerror { background: #E4D7D9; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; }
.inputerror input.text,
.inputerror textarea { border: 1px solid #BDBCC4; }

.inputerrormsg { background: url(/img/bashi/form_input_error.gif) 5px center no-repeat; color: #DC1500; }

#left .inputerror { background: #394B6B; }
#left .inputerrormsg { color: #DC6E63; }

/* Empty inputs (e.g. comment form when there is nothing typed) */
input.empty { color: #888; }

/* Inputs updating via ajax */
.ajaxtext { border: 1px solid transparent; background: transparent; }

#center .image .ajaxtext { border: 1px solid #D9E4E8; }
#center .image .ajaxtext:hover { border: 1px solid #1E3C53; }
#center .image .ajaxtext:focus { background-color: white; border: 1px solid #1E3C53; color: black; }

/***** /FORMS *****/

/***** MISC ELEMENTS *****/
Mostly stuff like notifications and warnings.
These are looking good like this, so it's recommended not to edit.

/* Old suggest search */
#search_suggest { background: #fff; }

/* Friend highlight */
#friendtracer-window .highlight a,
#left .nick0 .highlight a,
#center .nick0 .highlight a,
.highlight a { color: #FF8A92; }

/* Make the H2 menu indicate what item is currently selected */
#h2-content { padding: 12px 12px 0; }

/** Login form for not logged in users */
#h1-login button { background: transparent url(/img/bashi/h1_button_login.gif) no-repeat left top; }
#h1-login button span { background: none; }

.icon-friend-count { background: transparent url(/img/bashi/icon_friend_small.png) no-repeat 1px 2px; }
.icon-bookmark-count { background: transparent url(/img/bashi/icon_bookmark_small.png) no-repeat 2px 3px; }
.icon-image-count { background: transparent url(/img/bashi/icon_image_small.png) no-repeat 2px 2px; }

.autocomplete { background-color: #EEF2E7; border-radius: 5px; color: #130202; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; }
.autocomplete li.selected { background-color: #002B45; border-radius: 5px; color: #DAEEFF; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; }

div.step { color: #6F9624; }
span.step { color: #4E4A4A; }

#shoutbox-error { color: #E05206; }
div.important_information { border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; }
#center div.error { background: #E05206; color: white; }
#left div.notification { background: #183C5C; }
#left .box.under div.notification { background: #234B6C; }
#top div.notification,
#center div.notification { background: #81B320; color: white; }
#friends-top div.notification { width: 450px; }
#top .notification a,
#center .notification a { color: #295578; }
.emptyPlaceMarker { background: #C3D8DF; border: 1px dashed white; }
.loader { background: url(/img/bashi/ajax_dark_background.gif) no-repeat right center; }
.stamp { color: #707070; }
#left .stamp,
#center-top .stamp { color: #708FA7; }
a.returntotop { background: url(/img/bashi/return_to_top_arrow.gif) no-repeat left center; color: #939A9F !important; }
.tip { color: #7C6D6D; }
#left .notice { color: #94AAAE; }

.adv-debug { background: #FD7E7E; color: black; }

.toolbar li span, #toolbar li span { background-image:url(/img/bashi/toolbar_icons.png); }

.site-warning { background: #FFD803 url(/img/bashi/site-warning.gif) repeat-x left bottom; color: black; }
.site-warning a { color: #0094B3; }

div.important_information { background-color: #FFFFCC; border: 1px solid #EEEF59; }

/** Last.fm (Looks good like this, no need to edit much) */
#center .box.lastfm .center .content .items .item-container p a { color: #707070; }
.box.lastfm .header .actions h3 { background: transparent url(/img/bashi/lastfm_logo_logo.gif) no-repeat scroll top left !important; }

.box.lastfm .center .content .right-container #lastfm-pagination a { background-color: white; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; }
.box.lastfm .center .content .right-container #lastfm-pagination a.up { background-image: url(/img/bashi/light_mini_arrow_up.gif); }
.box.lastfm .center .content .right-container #lastfm-pagination a.down { background-image: url(/img/bashi/light_mini_arrow_down.gif); }
.box.lastfm .center .content .right-container #lastfm-pagination a.disabled:hover { background-color: white; }
.box.lastfm dd.nowplaying { background: white url(/img/bashi/lastfm-eq.gif) no-repeat scroll 5px 5px !important; }
.box.lastfm dd.nowplaying .value { font-style: oblique; }
.box.lastfm .item-container .artist-image { border: 1px solid #DCDCDC; }
/** /Last.fm */

/***** BBCODE *****/

/* .toolbar li a,
#toolbar li a { background-image: url(/img/bashi/toolbar_button.png); }*/
.toolbar li a:hover,
#toolbar li a:hover { background-position: -26px 0; }
.toolbar li span,
#toolbar li span { background-image: url(/img/bashi/toolbar_icons.png); }
.toolbar-italics span,
#toolbar-italics span { background-position: 0 0; }
.toolbar-bold span,
#toolbar-bold span { background-position: 0 -26px; }
.toolbar-link span,
#toolbar-link span { background-position: 0 -52px; }
.toolbar-link span,
#toolbar-picture span { background-position: 0 -78px; }
.toolbar-thumb span,
#toolbar-thumb span { background-position: 0 -104px; }
.toolbar-left span,
#toolbar-left span { background-position: 0 -130px; }
.toolbar-center span,
#toolbar-center span { background-position: 0 -156px; }
.toolbar-right span,
#toolbar-right span { background-position: 0 -182px; }
.toolbar-list span,
#toolbar-list span { background-position: 0 -208px; }
.toolbar-video span,
#toolbar-video span { background-position: 0 -234px; }
.toolbar-smiley span,
#toolbar-smiley span { background-position: 0 -260px; }

/***** /BBCODE *****/

/***** /MISC ELEMENTS *****/http://nitku.irc-galleria.net/j/images20/02/70/58/70/hosting/background.png?h=096c70ba23d07ea101d4ee0cdc08ce2d48c0b3e4&t=1264933699

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