


Jos joskus luulit olevasi ainutlaatuinen

brad-chanLauantai 17.03.2007 01:48

I don't care, I just wanna be yours
I know I told you I'd
Never love you the way that I did again
After all that you did to me
But I got to say

I don't care, I just wanna be yours
And I am tryin' everything in my power

To never ever say
Please come back to me
But I got to say

You promised me
We'd always be
You'd never let me go
You took the ring and all the things
that came with being my girl

A tragedy as I walked through that door

He had your feet up over the seat
All I heard was screaming

It was like a movie
Too real to me
That just can't be my bride to be... No!
I was shocked as could be
never thinkin' one day

I'd take this blow blow blow
I was startin' to feel like
I should kill everything that was moving....Whoa!
I've never been in hell like this
Somebody wake me up

I don't care, I just wanna be yours

I know I told you I'd
Never love you the way that I did again
After all that you did to me
But I got to say

I don't care, I just wanna to be yours and
I am tryin' everything in my power
To never ever say

Please come back to me
But I got to say

The crazy part was that he
just kept going
'cause she was the only one
that had noticed me
Staring into the eyes
That I will one day call my babe

How could I've fallen so in love
With someone I'd known for years
And not even know that
She'd be the one
To reveal my worst my fears

It was like a movie
Too real to me
That just can't be my bride to be... No!

I was shocked as could be
never thinkin' one day
I'd take this blow blow blow
I was startin' to feel like
I should kill everything that was moving....Whoa!
[ these lyrics found on ]
I've never been in hell like this
Somebody wake me up
I don't care, I just wanna be yours
I know I told you I'd

Never love you the way that I did again
After all that you did to me
But I got to say

I don't care, I just wanna be yours and
I am trying everything in my power
To never ever say
Please come back to me

But I got to say

I didn't mean to do
All those things to you
Tell me what to do to make it up to you
I'll do everything, anything that you want me to.

I didn't mean to do, oh

All those things to you
Tell me what to do, oh, to make it up to you
I'll do everything, anything that you want me to

Fat Joe
Should I leave, should I go, should I break apart
My mama said you would break my heart

I can't believe you were sleazing, you're a slut, a ho
now you wanna have a change of heart – Damn!

Who'd have thought
That you would deceive me
Love of my life
And my queen like Evie
And you didn't even tell me you leavin'

I had to hear about it on Escandalo TV

Now who's this man creeping in the back door
While I'll hit him with the fo fo fo
I know you keep saying that you lovin' me so
But why the hell are you crushin' him for

...god damn now
I don't care that's what Ricky says and
If I catch him in this crib he'd be dead
I don't play that mami
Now back to the 'jects you go
I left your Reebok's by the front door..... kickboxing

I don't care, I just wanna be yours
I know I told you I'd
Never love you the way that I did again
After all that you did to me
But I got to say

I don't care, I just wanna be yours and

I am tryin' everything in my power
To never ever say
Please come back to me
But I got to say

DeathKeskiviikko 07.02.2007 17:15

Within the darkness of the abyss i linger on,
Avoid of feelings, all alone in the shadows of life
Rotting away with an crying heart i lay down in my grave
Dug it with lies and deception, hate and lust...

Bringer of the Bloody moon, The shadow of death....
Bringer of the Accursed rain, The screams of the dead...
Bringer of the Shredding winds, The mock of the living...
Harvester of Death and Misery, The Eternal suffering....

Still alone within the shadows i linger on, screaming and crying for what i lost,
Sitting alone needing,yerning and wanting to be touched once more,
To suffer so much i did the least....Abandoned my own heart...

Still beating for life it lost,
Still aching for love it let escape,
Still mourning for all the joy that once was,

Pierced down by an thorn of hate...
Cut to pieces by blades of lies...
Smashed by fists of rage...

Writen for the NosferatuPerjantai 20.10.2006 21:57

hmm...voidaan sanoa että kirjoitin tämän ystävälleni Katrille, samaten kuin sille joka minut mursi....nauti katri....toivottavasti pidät)

Here we go...Let me be alone in the dark
Cursed light that shears the darkness around my soul
Forever we scream for an release we cannot achieve
all over again we shall see our tears are spent for the joy of fools

Cant they see i want to be by myself
Doing my stuff all alone
So i ask cant you see i want to be
Now grant me my wish and go away
Dont add to te pain in my heart, Dont make me weep

Deaths embrace will never come
It´s sweet coldness shall never be mine
Cast away by razor words you speak into my mind
Driven away by the deeds you do

The demon that whispers in the evening, come to me grieving
I staid,I gave and carried them away in my heart
I saw them being cast away by your clawed hand and yet i staid by your side
The night when you cast me away was heavy and oblige
In the end i was carried away by an shadow

Cant they see i want to be by myself
Doing my stuff all alone
So i ask cant you see i want to be
Now grant me my wish and go away
Dont add to te pain in my heart, Dont make me weep

Deaths embrace will never come
It´s sweet coldness shall never be mine
Cast away by razor words you speak into my mind
Driven away by the deeds you do

Finally i can be by myself without the coldness in my heart
Atlast the dreams i so yerned will be true and my soul shall rejoyce once more
I am sorry for what i´ve done, it is so sorry for em to say i am so sorry for you...
For all i´ve done i have lost what mattered me the most and now i wish i could turn back the time
Never ment for all fo this to happen to you. Can you please forgive me for the crimes i have commited
You are the force that binds and cures myheart asking only an crimson tear in return

Sini TimanttiMaanantai 25.09.2006 21:16

Kesä päivän kaunis huuma
Talvi yön kylmä turma
Sinpunaa silmissäin Ilon lailla heläjää
Valkomustaa vihaa syömmessäin palaa ainiaan

Väsynyt iänkaikkisiin peleihin
Kuollut sisältäpäin vain kuori tyhjä kertoo sen
Veren tilaa mätä vie, Ajatusten kaiun se musertaa

Ei Kuollut muta ei myöskään elävä Varjoa vailla on valoton Lihaa ja luuta kuten kaikki muut Vailla merkitystä kulkee ainiaan Iloton suru kulkee kanssa kuoleen elävän Ei koskaan enää sini timantit hänen silmistään solise Ei tule nauru enään hänen vieraakseen Koskaan enää ei hymy valaise hänen kasvojaan....

*hmm...ei syytä kirjoittaa...ei tarkoitusta pyhittämään...ei iloa silmälle....*
Kerro mitä tahdot minun tekevän
Nyt kun olen antanut sinun olla vapaa
Kerro minulle mitä voin tehdä nyt
Nyt kun sisinpäni on kuollut

Melkeinpä pidän Kurjuudesta jonka toit
Melkeinpä kaipaan kylmyyttä jotka jokainen sanasi toi
Rakastin tapaa jolla revit sydämmein

IKaikki on poissa...Kadonnut jättäen jälkeensä...
Kaiku...kaikuja pimeydestä
Ne sanat jotka kuiskasit ennen kuin lähdit
Olet minun.....Olet minun...

Ikuisesti...Ikuisesti pimeässä
Odottaen...Huutaen....Pettäen ja Valehdellen
Pidellen kuihtunutta ruusua joka satuttaa Vihan mustilla piikeillään.....


Tell me what am i supposed to do
Now that i have allowed you to be free
Tell me what can i do now
Now that i´ve been killed on the inside

I kind of like...the misery you brought
I kind of Yern for that cold you brought with your words
Loving the way you tore my heart away

All fo it is gone...vanished away leaving behind..
Echo...Echoes in the dark it does....
The words you whispered before you left...
You´ll be mine.........You´ll be mine....

Forever more...Forever more in the dark...
Waiting...Screaming...Decieving and lying
Holding a withered rose that cuts the skin with spitefull thorns....
Dying inside...all alone and left to die....

SielutonKeskiviikko 17.05.2006 22:20

Ei elon merkki oo kun henkeä vetää...
Ei elämää tarkoita jos sydän hakkaa

Jos on mieli murtunut...
Henki kaikonnut
Vain ruumis tunteeton jälkeen jätetty
Tarkoitusta vailla se täällä kulkee ainiaan..
Mieli tyhjä kuin sahara...
Ruumis autio kuin iäisyys
Kaiken menettänyt...
Kuollon kohdannut.....

Kuuntele kuinka kadotetut laulavat...Kuule kuinka ne kutsuu
Anna niiden viedä kipu pois...Anna tuskan haihtua
Lahjoita suru sekä kaipuu heidän huomaan...Jätä kaikki taakse
Tee niin...Vain jos Elää tahdot kuin tyhjä kuori
Vailla tunnetta tai mieltä...Kuin nukke posliininen hyllyllä seisoisit lakastuen...
Kuihtuen kuin syksyn lehdet värikkäät ja iloiset......

Piia BloiguKeskiviikko 17.05.2006 02:25

Murheeni ja Ongelmani Pienet on,
Kun sinuun vertaan tiedän sen,
Kiitollinen oon kun viitsit autaa kuitenkin

Sinulle Paljon velkaa oon,siis kuule tää lupaus vain

Jos tarvitset parin korvia kuulemaan huolesi...
Lupaan sinulle sen,Parin korvia kuulemaan

Jos Ikinä tarvitset olkapäätä vuotaaksesi kyyneleet
Sen Sinulle lupaan....Nyt ja ain oothan kavereistani parhain

Jos tahdot olla vain,hiljaa kaveriin tukien,
Lupaan sinulle tuo kaveri olla

Mutta jos mielesi halajaa Kuolemaa,
Älä puoleeni käänny,Sillä vaikka lupaan auttaa...
Tahdo en sue menettää.

Tahdon sua tukea ja auttaa vaikka lähelläsi olla en voi
Tuskaa tuo kun tyhjyyden näen silmissäs...

Älä ota terää ensimmaistä,Älä leikkaa itseäsi,
Sillä kun niin teet ja tiedän senj...kuolee minusta pieni palanen
Pyydän sinua siis...Anonkin.....Anna minun auttaa

outo haasteKeskiviikko 10.05.2006 12:41

1. Mikä mun nimi on?

2. Missä asun?

3. Mikä olen?
Pieni prinsessa jonka patjan alla on herne

4. Millainen olen?
Sä oot mun paras kaveri! Kiitos että olet olemassa!

5. Kuka olen?
"Mistä minä sen tiedä on sun oma asiasi...äläkä kysy noin vaikeita!

6. Mikä on ollut kaikista tärkeintä elämässäni?

7. Mikä on ollut kaikista turhinta elämässäni?

8. Mikä on arvokkain asia mielestäni maailmassa?
Et taida itse tietää, vai?

9. Miltä näytän?

10. Miltä tunnun?
" Tosi hyvälle

11. Miltä maistun?

12. Miltä tuoksun?

13. Missä minun kuuluisi olla?
Shellin baarin miesten vessassa.

14. Mistä minut löytää?
Lähimmältä bensa-asemalta, diesel-pumpun vierestä.

15.Mikä minun kuuluisi olla?
Hauskanpito, vaikkei uskoisi, vai mitä?

16. Miten minut tavoittaa?
Ihan hyvää kuuluu kiitos, entäs itsellesi?

17. Minkä ikäinen olen?
Tuskin ainakaan yli 7 vuotta.

18. Mikä minun sukupuoleni on?
Vähän sekä että

19. Montako henkilöä minun pitäisi haastaa tähän?
" En pysy enää laskuissa mukana, sekosin 17 kohdalla.
Took my heart and took my soul.....
Give them back and let me be,torment me no more take away your pain let me rest.....
Too long i watched you slowly kill me from within.....
Take away your iced heart take your rotten hands off my neck....

Your touch is like ice and your kiss empty and hollow like your heart....
Drain me of my meaning,take away my life....
With your touch you bring pain of a thousand sword´s....
Reduced to a shadow by you,
I rest in your arms wishing for death....

Let me go...leave me be....I whisper into the nights gentle breeze
Take your dagger from my guts and let me bleed....
Too weak to rid myself of your toxicating touch....
I have shed my tears for you nd taken your pain away,let you take away my love and life....

A Vampire Promice....a decietfull oneTiistai 11.04.2006 15:21

Like Death you came through the night,
Wrapped your arms around me closing me in a warm embrace...

In Your arms i felt at peace once more,
The kiss...warm and kind placed on my neck,
Pierced my skin and veins,letting my blood flow into you.....

But still i felt at peace in your arms gently wrapped around my dying body...
With the last drop of blood dripping form your lips i whisper your name into the night,
As i fall into sleep eternal....

Your promise you kept as you laid me into my sleep eternal....

Yours are these words hollowed my Vampire master*bow*

Use them as you want...desipher how ever you wish
Their yours to rule....