


☆Sick and tired of this shit ! ☆ Fuck u, I'm Bª™ÂªN . \,,/

<3Torstai 22.12.2011 19:41

In my room
When from the window the night falls
Sweet perfume
That takes my eyes with the dark call
In my mind
The light escapes, the shadows crawl
Just behind
Of the dream's walls

Then my lonely heart
Rides on the wind
And one sigh hits my spirit
When I look the gloom
And see her eyes...

Like a stream
My soul flows
On the Hill of Dreams
With own glow
Silent scream
Darkness's wife
From the Hill of Dreams
Take my life!

Mystic place
Through the night's journey goes my way
Like a trace
Of olden tales that ever stay
So in time
My future could be yesterday
Of the dusk gray

Then my lonely heart
Rides on the wind
And one sigh hits my spirit
When I look the gloom
And see her eyes...

Like a stream
My soul flows
On the Hill of Dreams
With own glow
Silent scream
Darkness's wife
From the Hill of Dreams
Take my life!

On the Hill of Dreams
On the Hill of Dreams
On the Hill of Dreams!

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