


talk is cheap, but liquor is cheaper.

~fhdfhdfh~Lauantai 25.12.2010 03:48

i will be there always waiting - waiting for you
i'm the one thing meant for you and you for me
whatever you want, whatever you need, whatever it takes, i'll do anything
and as you sleep eyes to the window, i'm watching you dream
so why can't you see, you're all that matters
you know if this earth should crack you'll be my solid ground
you will be there to catch me when i fall down
i'd take the stars right out of the sky for you
i'd end the world give you the sun, the moon

why don't you and i hold each other and fly to somewhere
maybe straight on to heaven, cause without you they're never going to let me in
well, i can't sleep at night and i can't do what's right
it was all because he came into my life, it's a deep obsession, taking up my time
she's all that i want, she's all that i need, she's everything i just won't believe
take away my doubt, turn me inside out
then he can see what i've been dying to say but things don't always turn out that way
even though you'll never be mine, i love you more than anyone else could

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