


Aluks olin et ei vittu, mut sit olin et ei liirum laarum.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 12.04.2010 20:56

Where are you?
And I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep
I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness
Comes creeping on so haunting every time
And as I stared I counted
The webs from all the spiders
Catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
And hear your voice of treason
Will you come home
And stop this pain tonight?
Stop this pain tonight
I miss you
I miss you
I miss your smile
You're still here somehow
My heart won't let you go
And I need you to know
I miss you
I miss you, miss you so bad
I don't forget you, oh it's so sad
I hope you can hear me
I wish that I could see you again
You're the one that I want, the one that I need
The one that I gotta have just to succeed
When I first saw you, I knew it was real
I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you 'cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You are my everything
And I really miss you
I need to feel your hands all over me,
I need to feel you kissing me,
I need to feel you holdin' me,
I need to feel your touch,
'Cause I miss your love so much

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