


No lycka till!!

klassikko??Keskiviikko 31.01.2007 20:14


Alla on 51 Disneyn elokuvaa. Jos olet nähnyt 35 olet klassikko!

[x] Lumikki ja seitsemän kääpiötä
[x] Pinocchio
[ ] Fantasia
[x] Dumbo
[x] Tuhkimo
[x] Liisa ihmemaassa
[x] Peter Pan
[x] Kaunotar ja Kulkuri
[x] Prinsessa Ruusunen
[x] 101 dalmatiaista
[x] Miekka kivessä
[x] Viidakkokirja
[x] Aristokatit
[x] Robin Hood
[x] Nalle Puh
[x ] Pelastuspartio Bernard ja Bianca
[x] Topi ja Tessu
[ ] Hiidenpata
[ ] Mestarietsivä Basil Hiiri
[x ] Oliver ja kumppanit
[x] Pieni merenneito
[x] Kaunotar ja Hirviö
[x] Aladdin
[x] Leijonakuningas
[x] Pocahontas
[x] Notre Damen kellonsoittaja
[x] Herkules
[x] Mulan
[x] Tarzan
[ ] Fantasia 2000
[x] Keisarin uudet kuviot
[x] Atlanttis
[ ] Lilo & Stitch
[ ]Karhuveljeni Koda
[ ]Lehmäjengi
[ ]Pikkukananen
[ ] Aivan Villit
[ ] Autot
[x] Monsterit Oy
[ ] Robots
[ ] Hain tarina
[x] Nemoa etsimässä
[x] Toy Story
[ ]Nightmare Before Christmas
[x] Ihmeperhe
[x] Ötökän elämää
[ ] Nasun suuri elokuva
[ ] Tiikerin oma elokuva
[x] Antz

juu oon klassikko xD

Rollergirl SuperstarSunnuntai 28.01.2007 20:00

Ooh, you are my superstar

One, two, three
You're The Only One For Me
Two, three, four
Let us do it on the floor
Three, four, five
You're the only in my life
Five, six, seven
You make me feel like I'm in heaven

Ooh, you are my superstar
Do you wanna stay with me
Like the flower and the bee
You will wisper to me ooh baby ooh baby baby ooh ooh

One, two three
Would you like to play with me?
Two, three, four
Can I love you on the floor?
Three, four, five
I would like to be your wife
Five, six, seven
I will fuck from seven to eleven


(Ooh baby ooh baby ooh baby)
(Ooh baby ooh baby ooh baby)
(Ooh baby ooh baby baby ooh ooh)


(Ooh baby ooh baby baby ooh ooh)
(Ooh baby ooh baby baby)
Do you wanna stay with me
Like the flower and the bee
You will wisper to me ooh baby ooh baby baby ooh ooh
Ooh baby ooh baby baby ooh ooh
Listaa seitsemän laulua, joista tällä hetkellä pidät. Genrellä ja sanoilla ei ole väliä, eikä haittaa vaikka laulu ei edes olisi mitenkään hyvä, kunhan itse nautit siitä. Kopioi nämä ohjeet omaan päiväkirjaasi/blogiisi/journaliisi niiden seitsemän laulun kanssa. Nakita sitten seuraavat seitsemän henkilöä nähdäksesi mitä he kuuntelevat.

1. Murderdolls I love to say fuck
2. the Cranberries Zombie
3. Nine inch Nails Starfuckers inc.
4. Apulanta poistusitko mun elämästäni
5. Mötley Crüe Too fast for love
6. Oasis Don't look back in anger
7. the Doors the Crystal ship


^^pau^^ nyt en jaksa miettiä enempää tätä asiaa...
Before you slip into unconsciousness
I'd like to have another kiss
Another flashing chance at bliss
Another kiss, another kiss

The days are bright and filled with pain
Enclose me in your gentle rain
The time you ran was too insane
We'll meet again, we'll meet again

Oh tell me where your freedom lies
The streets are fields that never die
Deliver me from reasons why
You'd rather cry, I'd rather fly

The crystal ship is being filled
A thousand girls, a thousand thrills
A million ways to spend your time
When we get back, I'll drop a line

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 24.01.2007 22:30

onks räävitön ja rivo sama asia????
miettikää sitä....

blaah....Tiistai 23.01.2007 20:10

miks menneisyyden haamut/ihmiset tulee kummittelemaan silloin kun niitten ei pitäisi....en olisi ikinä uskonu että tulisin näkemään niitä kasvoja joita joskus ihailin ja joita myöhemmin vihasin...voi vittu mun elämän kanssa
I've been waiting for a guide to come and take me by the hand,
Could these sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man?
These sensations barely interest me for another day,
I've got the spirit, lose the feeling, take the shock away.

It's getting faster, moving faster now, it's getting out of hand,
On the tenth floor, down the back stairs, it's a no man's land,
Lights are flashing, cars are crashing, getting frequent now,
I've got the spirit, lose the feeling, let it out somehow.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 20.01.2007 14:42

mikään hyödytön ei ole kaunista......Amerikkalaisten elämässä ei ole toista näytöstä.......minä olen nero ja te muut olette ääliöitä.......kaikki jotka tykkäävät 70 luvun musiikista tai haluavat tietää siitä jotain...kannattaa kattoo 24 hour party people....omasta mielestäni aika hyvä elokuva....

annan sille ***½ tähteä

Mötörhead Born to Raise HellTorstai 18.01.2007 21:51

Listen up here, I'll make it quite clear
I'm gonna put some boogie in your ear
Shake and bop, don't you stop
Cance like a maniak until you drop

I don't mind, I don't mind
I can tun a razor right up your spine
What are you waiting for
What do you think you were created for

Show us, you care, show us you dare
You don't know what happened, not if you weren't there

Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
We know how to do it and we do it real well
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Voodoo medicine cast my spell
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Play that guitar just like ringing a bell
Take it or leave it

Going for broke, rock 'til you choke
It don't matter if you drink or smoke
Speak through the beat, get up on your feet
Sweating like a hpund dog, white as a sheet

Don't you be scared, don't you be scared
Everybody terrified, it don't seem fair
What are you waiting for
What do you think you were created for

Out of your seat, blind in the heat
Do the nasty boogie mama, stomp your feet
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell

We know how to do it and we do it real well
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
We know how to do it and we do it real well
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Go back to zero take a pill and get well
Be a good soldier and die where you fell

Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
We know how to do it and we do it real well
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Go on out and boogie 'cos you never can tell
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
Be a good soldier and die where you fell
Born to raise hell, Born to raise hell
We know how to do it and we do it real well

Murderdolls I Love to say FuckKeskiviikko 17.01.2007 12:16

well I aint got a fucking problem I just love to say fuck
and I dont care who's around me I couldn't really give a fuck
and I dont care if you're my mother or my motherfucking father
I couldn't really give a fuck now that aint my motherfucking problem

I love to say fuck when i'm driving in my car
fuck when I'm walking in the fucking park
fuck you if you dont like what I say I love to say fuck every fuckin day

I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck

well I hope I dont offend you when I say the word fuck
I guess you had it coming to ya, you're such a worthless little fuck
and I dont care if you're my mother or my motherfucking father
I couldn't really give a fuck now that aint my motherfucking problem

I love to say fuck when I'm driving in my car
fuck when I'm walking in the fucking park
fuck you if you dont like what I say I love to say fuck every fuckin day

I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck

well I aint got a fucking problem I just love to say fuck
and I dont care who's around me I couldn't really give a fuck
and I dont care if you're my mother or my motherfucking father
I couldn't really give a fuck now that aint my motherfucking problem

I love to say fuck when I'm driving in my car
fuck when I'm walking in the fucking park
fuck you if you dont like what I say I love to say fuck every fuckin day
oh yeah

I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
I love to say fuck
Oh I love to say....

tää biisi soi mulla aika usein ämppärillä..... xD