


No lycka till!!

Marilyn Manson Heart-Shaped Glasses Sunnuntai 05.08.2007 01:14

she reminds me of the one in school
when I was cut and she was dressed in white
and I couldn't take my eyes off her
but that's not what I took off that night

and she'll never cover up what we did with her dress, no
she said, "kiss me, it'll heal but it won't forget"
"kiss me, it'll heal but it won't forget"

I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles
if I could stick to you and you stick me, too

don't break, don't break my heart
and I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
little girl, little girl you should close your eyes
that blue is getting me high

don't break, don't break my heart
and I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
little girl, little girl you should close your eyes
that blue is getting me high
making me low
that blue is getting me high
making me low

she reminds of the one I knew that cut-up the negatives of my life
I wouldn't take my hands off her, she wouldn't let me be anywhere but inside

I don't mind you keeping me on pins and needles
if I could stick to you and you stick me, too

Dolly Parton ShineKeskiviikko 30.05.2007 21:18

Gimme a word, gimme a sign
Show me where to look
And tell me what will I find
What will I find
Lay me on the ground
Fly me in the sky
Show me where to look
And tell me what will I find
What will I find

Yeah, oh
Heaven let your light shine down, ohh
Heaven let your light shine down, ohh
Heaven let your light shine down, ohh
Heaven let your light shine

Love is in the water
Love is in the air
Show me where to go
And tell me will love be there
Will love be there
Teach me how to speak
Teach me how to share
Teach me where to go
And tell me will love be there
Will love be there

Repeat Chorus

Gimme a word, gimme a sign
Show me where to look
And tell me what will I find
What will I find
Lord, teach me how to speak
Teach me how to share
Teach me where to go
And tell me will love be there
Will love be there

Repeat Chorus

Oh, heaven let your light shine down
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
Heaven let your light shine down
Let it shine
Heaven let your light shine down
Shine, heaven let your light shine down
Heaven let your light shine down


Shine, shine
Just gimme a word
Gimme a sign, shine
Let it shine, let it shine
Teach me how to share
Teach me where to go
Tell me will love be there, shine

Dolly Parton Mountain AngelKeskiviikko 30.05.2007 21:14

Pretty as an angel from the day that she was born
Skin as fair as Lily's hair, as golden as the corn
They knew that she was special from the moment she first cried
She was a mountain angel certified
She was her momma's baby, she was her daddy's pride
Good at home, at church and school, at everything she tried
Everybody's darlin' led a charmed and peaceful life
The perfect mountain angel 'til he arrived
And ohh, she fell so deeply
Ooh, she couldn't stop
She gave herself to him, milled it completely
He lifted her so high he let her drop

She gave up everything for him that mattered in her life
All the others that had loved her and she vowed to be his wife
She dreamed of bearing children in an ivy-covered house
The mountain angel's sunshine turned to clouds
The wicked handsome stranger left the way he came
Broke her heart and broke her mind
She never was the same
They say he was the devil
That had come to steal her soul
She never loved another it was told
They say she had a baby
Some say that it had died
They it's just as well
As it had been the devil's child
They say good conquers evil
But here, evil won the prize
So the mountain angel took to the wild

And ooh, she couldn't take it
Years passed and she had long since lost her mind
She waited for him as her beauty faded
Her parents died from grief before their time

She tried to gather pieces of her life, they wouldn't fit
Beside the tiny grave deep in the woods is where she'd sit
Talking to the child, herself, to him, who knew for sure
Possessed they say by satan's insane lure
High a'top the mountain, for years they say she's seen
Looking down upon the town where she had once been queen
She'd sneak around the playground, watch the little children play
They'd see the crazy lady then run away
They say she roamed these hills for years, wearing not a stitch
The lovely mountain angel now thought to be a witch
She made those wailing mournful sounds
That you could hear for miles
Long after she laid down upon her baby's grave and died

And ooh, her ghost is callin'
She's waiting for the ones that she adored
Through spring and summer, fall when snow is fallin'
Her spirit roams these hills forever more
The mountain angel's voices ever more

Oohh, oooo
Oohh, oooo
Oohh, oooo

Dolly Parton Little sparrowKeskiviikko 30.05.2007 21:10

Little sparrow, little sparrow
Precious fragile little thing
Little sparrow, little sparrow
Flies so high and feels no pain
All ye maidens hede my warning
Never trust the hearts of men
They will crush you like a sparrow
Leaving you to never mend
They will vow to always love you
Swear no love but yours will do
Then they'll leave you for another
Break your little heart in two


Little sparrow, little sparrow
Precious fragile little thing
Little sparrow, little sparrow
Flies so high and feels no pain

If I were a little sparrow
O'er these mountains I would fly
I would find him, I would find him
Look into his lying eyes
I would flutter all around him
On my little sparrow wings
I would ask him, I would ask him
Why he let me love in vain

I am not a little sparrow
I am just the broken dream
Of a cold false-hearted lover
And his evil cunning scheme

Repeat Chorus

All ye maidens fair and tender
Never trust the hearts of men
They will crush you like a sparrow
Leaving you to never mend

Little sparrow, little sparrow
Oh the sorrow never ends

huonoja vitsejä....Maanantai 28.05.2007 21:19

Isä ja hänen tyttönsä olivat saunassa. Tyttö kysy isältään: "Iskä, mikä toi on mikä on sun jalkojen välissä?"
Tilanne oli nopeasti hieman kiusallinen, joten isä heitti nopeasti: "Se on...öö...nukke."
No asia meni nopeasti ohi ja siinä sitten saunottiin ilman suurempia asioita.

Sitten yöllä kun kaikki nukkuivat niin isä heräsi kun tyttö tuli herättämään ja sanoi: "Iskä saanks mä tulla sun vieree nukkumaa?"
"No okei."

Aamulla isä sitten tokaisi: "Aijajai, mites iskän nukke on tänää kauheen kipee...?"
Siihen tyttö hieman nolona: "No mä en saanu yöl unta, ni mä rupesin leikkii sun nukel. Laitoin sille vaatteit päälle, pois, päälle, pois, päälle ja pois. Sitku se alko sylkemää mä väänsin silt niskat nurin."

2 nunnaa oli ylittämässä vilkasta tietä. He näkivät basistin ja kysyivät häneltä voisiko hän auttaa heidät tien yli. Johon basisti vastasi : Totta kai! Kaikki Batmanin kaverit ovat minunkin kavereitani.
Mies kysyi kaveriltaan:

''-Miten pidät kättäs kun runkkaat?''
''-Mahdollisemman Vittumaisesti''
Mies kuoli ja pääsi taivaaseen. Ja kun Pyhä Pietari esitteli hänelle Taivasta hän pysähtyi suuren suuren seinän eteen, joka oli täynnä kelloja. Ja jokainen kello löi aina silloin tällöin, täysin epätahtiin.
Mies kysyi Pietarilta: "Mikä tämän jutun idea on?"
Pietari vastaa: "Näitä kelloja on jokaiselle maalle oma. Ja viisari heilahtaa aina, kun kyseisessä maassa syntyy yksi homo."
Mies tutkailee ja huomaa, että todella! jokaisessa kellossa lukee jonkin maan nimi. Menee hetki ja yht'äkkiä mies kysyy: "No missä täällä on muuten Ruotsin kello. En löydä sitä mistään.."
"Se on vessassa tuulettimena."

Modern talking Geronimo's CadillacTiistai 22.05.2007 22:10

I wanna share my dreams
Wanna share with you
On the wings of love
Like Dreamers do
Touch your heart -
You've the grip of broken heart
Oh we are daytime friends and nightime fools
Wanna play this game
you break the rules
Tears of love are frozen tears
Geronimo's Cadillac
Is making all girls too mad
Geronimo has a heart - Oh it's a drag
Geronimo's Cadillac
oh making all girls too sad
Geronimo has a heart - Oh it's a drag

Geronimo's Cadillac It's tossing oh in your head
It's tossing and turning
It's burning - It makes you mad
Geronimo's Cadillac
Oh baby I'll hold you back
It's tossing and turning
It's burning - It makes you sad

I'm looking through the eyes
The eyes of love
Made a fool of me - Can't get enough
Touch my heart - Boulevard of broken dreams
Another time for love - Other place to be
Don't let him take your love
Your love from me
Tears of love are frozen tears


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.05.2007 21:42

juu.....mulla on tällä hetkellä äärimmäisen tylsää....en tiiä miks mut mua vaan jumittaa koko ajan....pyh....mä meen varmaan kohta sähläämään kämpille jotain omaa ku on niin tylsää....

ai niin Asko on vappupallo (ei mikään tavan ilmapallo) ja miä oon tuulitunneli xD ei yhtään älyvapaat jutut meillä tai mitään....

Neljä ruusua KansankynttilätTiistai 24.04.2007 21:30

Kieltoja, tauluja, opasteita, sääntöjä, ilmeitä väsyneitä
Kouluja, kirjoja, papereita, julmia turhia numeroita

Keitä ne on ne kansankynttilät
Jotka valaisevat, harmaankin päivän ja leikit opettaa
Missä ne on ne kansankynttilät
Jotka kuuntelevat, huolien, nuorien puolesta liputtaa

Ruskeita keuhkoja syöpyneitä
Vaaroja vaanii laseissa
Hävinneitä ehkäisyvälineitä
Vastuu virtaa aseissa

Keitä ne on ne kansankynttilät
Jotka valaisevat, harmaankin päivän ja leikit opettaa
Missä ne on ne kansankynttilät
Jotka kuuntelevat, huolien, nuorien puolesta liputtaa

Padaada papa paadada (x4)

Vilkkaus on aina vakavaa
Ja siihen tehokas hoito tärkeää
Nappeja naamaan ja sairaalaan
Siinäkö on sitten järkeä

Keitä ne on ne kansankynttilät
Jotka valaisevat, harmaankin päivän ja leikit opettaa
Missä ne on ne kansankynttilät
Jotka kuuntelevat, huolien, nuorien puolesta liputtaa

Padaada papa paadada (x8)

the Cranberries Ode my family Maanantai 09.04.2007 19:11

Understand the things I say
Dont turn away from me
Cause I spent half my life out there
You wouldnt disagree
Do you see me, do you see
Do you like me, do you like me standing there
Do you notice, do you know
Do you see me, do you see me
Does anyone care

Unhappiness, wheres when I was young
And we didnt give a damn
cause we were raised
To see life as a fun and take it if we can
My mother, my mother she hold me
Did she hold me, when I was out there
My father, my father, he liked me
Ol he liked me, does anyone care

Understand what Ive become
It wasnt my design
And people everywhere think
Something better than I am
But I miss you, I miss
cause I liked it, I liked it
When I was out there
Doyou know this, doyou know
You did not find me, you did not find
Does anyone care

Unhappiness was when I was young
And we didnt give a damn
cause we were raised
To see life as fun and take it if we can
My mother, my mother she hold me
Did she hold me, when I was out there
My father, my father, he liked me
Ol he liked me, does anyone care

Does anyone care
"joissain rei'issä on voitelu ja toiset on kuivia kuin huoran vittu sunnuntai aamuna"

"Jeesus Lee! Tiedät että leikkaisin oikean pallini irti vuoksesi ,mutta vannnon oman äitini pillun kautta, että nämä sekarotuiset on vaikeampia saada liikkeelle kuin nistin suolisto, iskeköön minuun halvaus ja irrotkoon kyrpäni jos tämä ei ole totta"

Lee: " Kaiveleeko se vetäytyvä saturnus persettäsi?"
? : "Minun persettäni kaivelee kaljan puute"

Emme koskaan lisää annosta paitsi TÄNÄ ILTANA on ERITYINEN TILAISUUS kun kaikki sonnansyöjät ja piikkipojat ovat ulkona kylmässä....ja me emme koskaan syö sitä emme koskaan koskaan syö sitä...suokaa anteeksi ,minun on käytävä tripillä Elävien Tippojen Lähteellä ,heillä kaikilla on tippoja taskussa ja ooppiumrakeita sormitupessa työnnettynä persereikään yhdessä perhejalokivien ja muun paskan kera