Mainitse kyseisellä kirjaimella alkava hyvä kappale ja sen esittänyt bändi tai artisti.
A - As Above, So Below - Behemoth
B - Before Aeons Come - Behemoth
C - Christgrinding Avenue - Behemoth
D - Demigod - Behemoth
E - Entering the Pylon Ov Light - Behemoth
F - From the Pagan Wastlands - Behemoth
G - Grom - Behemoth
H - Horns ov Baphomet - Behemoth
I - Inner Sanctum - Behemoth
J - Jama Pekel (Master's Hammer cover) - Behemoth
K - Kriegsphilosophie - Behemoth
L - Lam - Behemoth
M - Moonspell Rites - Behemoth
N - Natural Born Philosopher - Behemoth
O - Of Sephirolic Transformalion and Carnality - Behemoth
P - Prometherion - Behemoth
Q - Qadosh - Behemoth
R - Rome 64 C.E. - Behemoth
S - Slaying the Prophets ov Isa - Behemoth
T - Transylvanian Forest - Behemoth
U - Until You Call On the Dark (Danzig cover) - Behemoth
V - Vinvm Sabbati - Behemoth
W - Warriors of Modern Death - Emperor (:DDDD HAHAA)
Y - Youth Manifesto - Behemoth