
Hollow book, capter 18Torstai 28.10.2010 06:52

Wandering in aether planes

In these aether realms I wander.
Lost souls, spirits, unkept oaths beyond redemption.
I touched her blue aura, she turned and looked to my eyes.
But she had lost her personhood ages ago,
she was nothing but a lost soul, wandering in these realms free.
Colourful auras levitate past my snow-white aura like wind.
I could just let go of my earthly body
and float along these windy auras
and see the world beyond my imagination...

Who has seen the tree, the tree
which holds great wisdom and the ability to be present reality and these realms?
The one which controls the balance on earth...
Who has seen those white glowing crystals
which hold the energy of these realms?
Those which destiny lays on the hands of the chosen...

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