


☆~ You Can't Wrestle Swordfish in Tampa ~☆

Moviefreak.Tiistai 24.03.2009 00:43

Pink Eye (Kauhu, Usa, 2008)

Pink Eye is set in a small town in upstate New York, at a prison-like, dilapidated insane asylum where secret drug testing has gone inexplicably wrong. Patients are dying in sick and twisted ways and those who survive are becoming raging, homicidal lunatics. It's only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose and the patients begin to crave freedom to take their vengeance out on the world outside. When one patient does escape deformed, angry and far beyond insane, he brings death and terror to an unsuspecting town and everyone in it


1. Marttyyrit
2. Shrooms
3. Eden Lake
4. The Hills Have Eyes 2
5. Mirrors
6. The Ruins
7. Disaster Movie
8. Vacancy 2: The First Cut
9. Prom Night
10. Bug
11. Apartment 1303
12. Reeker
13. Day Of The Dead: Contagium
14. Day Of The Dead [1985]
15. Nightwatch
16. Dead Like Me: Life After Dead
17. Teeth
18. The Midnight Meat Train
19. Penny Dreadful
20. Friday the 13th
21. Bolt (3D)
22. Mutant Chronicles
23. The Reaping
24. Agaist the Dark
25. Naapurini Totoro
26. Alien Raiders
27. Screamers: The Hunting
28. Apinoiden Planeetta [2001]
29. Robocop 1
30. Robocop 2
31. Robocop 3
32. Tokyo Gore Police
33. World Trade Center
34. Dead Birds
35. Taken
36. The Unborn
37. Operaatio Valkyrie
38. Benjamin Buttonin Uskomaton Elämä
39. The Protector
40. Walled In
41. Fido
42. Midnight Movie
43. Boy Eats Girl
44. End of The Line
45. Dying Breed
46. Dying God
47. Death on Demand
48. The Rundown
49. Undead
50. Organizm
51. Alive Or Dead
52. The Abandoned
53. Babysitter Wanted
54. The Sentinel
55. The Chronicles Of Riddick
56. À l'intérieur / Inside
57. Los Cronocrímenes / Timecrimes
58. Twilight
59. The Haunting of Molly Hartley
60. House
61. The Vanguard
62. Pink Eye

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 23.03.2009 21:50

Moviefreak.Maanantai 23.03.2009 00:41

The Vanguard (Toiminta/Scifi/Kauhu, Iso-Britannia, 2008)

Maailma on kaaoksessa - viimeiset tunnetut öljykentät on pumpattu tyhjiin, ylikansoitus on tullut kriittiseen pisteeseen ja ihmiskunta on siirtymässä historiaan.

Maailmanlopun painajaistunnelmissa kokonainen kaupunki nimeltä Corporation kehittää keinon harventaa ihmisrotua ja aloittaa ihmisten teloittamisen. Tehtävän saaneet tiedemiehet nousevat kuitenkin kapinaan ja yrittävät pelastaa ihmiskunnan luomalla lääkkeen, joka tekee ihmisistä apinan kaltaisia alkuolentoja nimeltä Biosynit. Biosynit ovat lähes sokeita ja pysyttelevät hengissä tuoksun ja äänten perusteella, elävät villeinä tyhjällä maaseudulla.

Matthew Hope

Karen Admiraal
Jack Bailey
Ray Bullock Jr
Emma Choy
Terry Cole
Rob Cooper
Bahi Ghubril
Shiv Grewal
Christopher Hatherall
Martin Hobbs


1. Marttyyrit
2. Shrooms
3. Eden Lake
4. The Hills Have Eyes 2
5. Mirrors
6. The Ruins
7. Disaster Movie
8. Vacancy 2: The First Cut
9. Prom Night
10. Bug
11. Apartment 1303
12. Reeker
13. Day Of The Dead: Contagium
14. Day Of The Dead [1985]
15. Nightwatch
16. Dead Like Me: Life After Dead
17. Teeth
18. The Midnight Meat Train
19. Penny Dreadful
20. Friday the 13th
21. Bolt (3D)
22. Mutant Chronicles
23. The Reaping
24. Agaist the Dark
25. Naapurini Totoro
26. Alien Raiders
27. Screamers: The Hunting
28. Apinoiden Planeetta [2001]
29. Robocop 1
30. Robocop 2
31. Robocop 3
32. Tokyo Gore Police
33. World Trade Center
34. Dead Birds
35. Taken
36. The Unborn
37. Operaatio Valkyrie
38. Benjamin Buttonin Uskomaton Elämä
39. The Protector
40. Walled In
41. Fido
42. Midnight Movie
43. Boy Eats Girl
44. End of The Line
45. Dying Breed
46. Dying God
47. Death on Demand
48. The Rundown
49. Undead
50. Organizm
51. Alive Or Dead
52. The Abandoned
53. Babysitter Wanted
54. The Sentinel
55. The Chronicles Of Riddick
56. À l'intérieur / Inside
57. Los Cronocrímenes / Timecrimes
58. Twilight
59. The Haunting of Molly Hartley
60. House
61. The Vanguard

NO PRKLSunnuntai 22.03.2009 21:35

Kopioi tämä päiväkirjaasi 20 sekunnin sisällä muuten et saa pimppiä/pippeliä rakastamaltasi henkilöltä ja hän pettää sinua kolmen muun kanssa ja rosvo pöllii rahasi ja talosi räjähtää ja saat kokeista nelosen etkä pääse mihkää jatko opiskelemaa ja kaverisi jättävät sinut ja yksisarviset raiskaavat lemmikkisi ja tulee maalimanloppu ja joku muu syö ainoot ja viimeiset keksisi saatana!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 21.03.2009 14:09

Tädädäädddädädäääää :
( pää hajoo. Lähen nyt jat tuun vast (ehkä) illal... -_-

Moviefreak..Lauantai 21.03.2009 04:31

House (Kauhu/Trilleri, Usa, 2008)

In rural Alabama, two couples find themselves in a fight for survival. Running from a maniac (The Tin Man) bent on killing them, they flee deep into the woods and seek refuge in a house. They soon realize the killer has purposely lured them to this house and that they are now trapped. As they huddle around an old fireplace, a tin can falls through the chimney. Scrawled on its side is a message from the killer, establishing his House Rules. The rules call for their deaths unless they kill at least one of the four. They have less than 12 hours to find a way to survive. At sunrise the game is over and everyone dies if the killer's demands aren't met. What they quickly learn is that the only way out... is in. But going further into this house--where unknown challenges await them--is equally deadly.


1. Marttyyrit
2. Shrooms
3. Eden Lake
4. The Hills Have Eyes 2
5. Mirrors
6. The Ruins
7. Disaster Movie
8. Vacancy 2: The First Cut
9. Prom Night
10. Bug
11. Apartment 1303
12. Reeker
13. Day Of The Dead: Contagium
14. Day Of The Dead [1985]
15. Nightwatch
16. Dead Like Me: Life After Dead
17. Teeth
18. The Midnight Meat Train
19. Penny Dreadful
20. Friday the 13th
21. Bolt (3D)
22. Mutant Chronicles
23. The Reaping
24. Agaist the Dark
25. Naapurini Totoro
26. Alien Raiders
27. Screamers: The Hunting
28. Apinoiden Planeetta [2001]
29. Robocop 1
30. Robocop 2
31. Robocop 3
32. Tokyo Gore Police
33. World Trade Center
34. Dead Birds
35. Taken
36. The Unborn
37. Operaatio Valkyrie
38. Benjamin Buttonin Uskomaton Elämä
39. The Protector
40. Walled In
41. Fido
42. Midnight Movie
43. Boy Eats Girl
44. End of The Line
45. Dying Breed
46. Dying God
47. Death on Demand
48. The Rundown
49. Undead
50. Organizm
51. Alive Or Dead
52. The Abandoned
53. Babysitter Wanted
54. The Sentinel
55. The Chronicles Of Riddick
56. À l'intérieur / Inside
57. Los Cronocrímenes / Timecrimes
58. Twilight
59. The Haunting of Molly Hartley
60. House

Moviefreak.Lauantai 21.03.2009 04:25

The Haunting of Molly Hartley (Draama/Kauhu/Trilleri, Usa, 2008)

In this tale of spell binding suspense, something evil lurks just beneath the lush surfaces of teenaged girl's private school world - and it holds the rights to her very soul. Now, on the eve of her 18th birthday, Molly Hartley is about to discover the truth of just who, or rather what, it is she is destined to become...


1. Marttyyrit
2. Shrooms
3. Eden Lake
4. The Hills Have Eyes 2
5. Mirrors
6. The Ruins
7. Disaster Movie
8. Vacancy 2: The First Cut
9. Prom Night
10. Bug
11. Apartment 1303
12. Reeker
13. Day Of The Dead: Contagium
14. Day Of The Dead [1985]
15. Nightwatch
16. Dead Like Me: Life After Dead
17. Teeth
18. The Midnight Meat Train
19. Penny Dreadful
20. Friday the 13th
21. Bolt (3D)
22. Mutant Chronicles
23. The Reaping
24. Agaist the Dark
25. Naapurini Totoro
26. Alien Raiders
27. Screamers: The Hunting
28. Apinoiden Planeetta [2001]
29. Robocop 1
30. Robocop 2
31. Robocop 3
32. Tokyo Gore Police
33. World Trade Center
34. Dead Birds
35. Taken
36. The Unborn
37. Operaatio Valkyrie
38. Benjamin Buttonin Uskomaton Elämä
39. The Protector
40. Walled In
41. Fido
42. Midnight Movie
43. Boy Eats Girl
44. End of The Line
45. Dying Breed
46. Dying God
47. Death on Demand
48. The Rundown
49. Undead
50. Organizm
51. Alive Or Dead
52. The Abandoned
53. Babysitter Wanted
54. The Sentinel
55. The Chronicles Of Riddick
56. À l'intérieur / Inside
57. Los Cronocrímenes / Timecrimes
58. Twilight
59. The Haunting of Molly Hartley