


How bowt nao?


- Vanhemmat »

-.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.-Keskiviikko 17.01.2007 19:20

A : You like to drink.
B : Everyone wants you.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : Damn good kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and looks.
I : You Are Great in bed.
J : People Adore YOU!
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Everyone loves you.
M : best kisser ever.
N : You like to drink.
O : Awesome kisser.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Fuckin crazy.
S : Easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgmental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Best g/f b/f anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready

U: I really like to chill.
L: Everyone likes me!
L: Everyone likes me!
A: I like to drink??? ^o)
M: I am the best kisser ever.. mhih
A I like to drink?? Wonder what that means...
I: I am Great in bed... ( yeah i am a good sleeper.. hihi)
J: People adore me..
A: I like to drink..

Now tell me, Did this test give you any idea what i am like?

P.S I am really tired.. "yawn"

-.-Keskiviikko 17.01.2007 19:19


Olen: Ulla
Haluan: Uudistaa uutta universiumia
Minulla on: Utopia Uliteetista
Vihaan: Uraania
Pelkään: Ultimaatumia
Kuuntelen: usiikkia
Pohdin: Ufoja
Rakastan: Ulkoilua und
Minä aina: Ulapalla
Minä en ole: Unarmed
Laulan: Ullakolla
En ole aina: Uhkea... hihi
- Vanhemmat »