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Essill ja mull omaa hauskaa :´´DTiistai 20.04.2010 22:27

Welcome to PhotoFunia, cool photo fun
you can be whoever you would like to be
a super hero or a model in a fashion magazine
Pirate of the Caribbean, painting in a gallery

it's so easy to use, two clicks are all you need
so upload your photo, Hey! Best of all it's free!
over one hundred effects, we keep adding more
What can you do with your photos? Come on, explore!

You can make a photo animation
There's no limitation
Use your imagination!

Welcome to PhotoFunia, cool photo fun
you can be whoever you would like to be
while your face is on a Jedi who's fighting the empire
put your ex on a photo that's been set on fire

Put your face on Mona Lisa, on the wall of a museum
On TV, Signs and Billboards, where everyone can see 'em
You can be an angel, even Santa Claus
A new face on Mt. Rushmore or an Astronaut

For online recreation... PhotoFunia's your destination!


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