


~ J'aime la petite mort ~
Teeheee :) tomorrow ^o^!!!

day 10| something you want to improve in your life
day 11| a non-academic book you plan to read in the next month
day 12| favorite article of clothing
day 13| a song to describe the weather or your current mood
day 14| favorite book youÂ’ve read academically
day 15| a movie that makes you cry
day 16| a question you hate to be asked
day 17| describe a daily ritual
day 18| something irrational that you think or do
day 19| list three things you want out of life that you are currently working towards
day 20| photo of one of your scars
day 21| list five things youÂ’ve lost and wonder where they might be
day 22| a question about the world that you canÂ’t figure out
day 23| favorite word
day 24| describe your best friend (or friends)
day 25| if you could tell your seven year old self anything, what would it be?
day 26| kill, bang, marry
day 27| have you any superstitions?

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