


Well I want a better place, or just a better way to fall.

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Do You still know how it was
The wonderful time of childhood
A pretty and colourful world
Until You realize one day
That not every goodbye also is meaning
there will be a reunion, too

Always ahead - step by step
There is no way back
This, what there is now, never will be undone
The time is running away
What is done, that's done
What is now, never will happen in the same way again

Only one word too much You said in anger
Only one step too much You dared forward
And all is over
Whatever is done
This, what I said, is said
And what seemed to be eternal, already is yesterday

Oh, could I
Only for one time
Turn back the time
'cause so much of this,
what I'm knowing today
I wished never have seen

Your life is going round in circles
So much of wasted time
Your dreams You shelve without an end
You want to live anytime
But if not today - when?
'cause anytime also a dream is too long ago

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