Jaqui: Ilonaa. arhg gosssh, we just got cought 4 waggin.:D
ilona: no way.
Boris: yeeh on wednesdaay at the skatepark.
Ilona: but hoooow??
Azeem: we ere hookin uph n da teacher wlkked past.
ilona: shit, r uyh sereous? :O
doddzy: iknow ayee sukks.
Jaqui: come onn. we gotta go to the office.
Azeem: aha. that was sum timee ayee.
Boris: the best :D
Ilona: yeehhhh ahahah
doddzy: so yeeh bout next week.
ilona: should we wagg again?
Azeem: depents how much shit we get into :D:D
Jaqui: ahahaha. notinn is better than waggin n goin to the skate park 4 hook uphh :)