


Are you saying we should start annoying other people?


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I MISS MY SIS!Maanantai 08.11.2010 08:12

You might think I wouldn't say this cuz of all the bickering and teasing but I really do miss my sis! ♥

It spells out ME!Perjantai 13.08.2010 17:10

Kirjoita etu -ja sukunimesi
biisien mukaan:
Valitse Artisti/Bändi: Eminem

If I had...
Rain Man
Kill You
Evil Deeds

So Bad
Love the way you lie
One Shot 2 Shot
Ass Like That
Almost Famous

New MoonTiistai 01.12.2009 02:24






Bella Swan: You're sort of beautiful
Jacob Black: How hard did you hit your head?

Quil Ateara: So this is your girlfriend, huh?

Jacob Black: [looks around awkwardly]
I said she was a girl who was a friend

Quil Ateara: [looks at Embry] Do you remember him making that distinction?

Embry Call: No I don't.

Edward Cullen: You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid or reckless.

Bella Swan: You promised it would be as if you never existed. You lied.

Bella Swan: Woah, you're buff. What are you, like 16?

Jacob Black: Age is just a number baby. What are you now, 40?

Bella Swan: Dear Alice, I wish I had your real address. I wish I could tell you about Jake. He makes me feel better. I mean, he makes me feel alive. The hole in my chest... well, when I'm with Jake it's like it's almost healed for a while. But even Jake can't keep the dreams away.

Jacob Black: Quil keeps asking to come over. I think he likes you a little too much.

Bella Swan: Oh... Well... I'm not really into the whole cougar thing.

Jacob Black: What's up with you and age? I mean, how old was the Cullen guy anyway?

Bella Swan: I'm coming with you!

Edward Cullen: Bella, I don't want you to come with me.

Bella Swan: You... You don't want me?

Edward Cullen: No.

Bella Swan: Well, that changes things. A lot.

Jacob Black: Tell me something... You like me, right?
[Bella nods] And you think I'm sorta beautiful?

Bella Swan: Jake, please don't do this.

Jacob Black: Why?

Bella Swan: Because you're about to ruin everything. And I need you.

Jacob Black: Well, I've got loads of time. I'm not going to give up.

Bella Swan: I don't want you to. But that's just because I don't want you to go anywhere. It's really selfish. You know, I'm not like a car that you can fix up. I'm never going to run right.

Jacob Black: It's because of him, isn't it? Look, I know what he did to you. But Bella, I would never, ever do that. I won't ever hurt you. I promise. I won't let you down. You can count on me.

Jacob Black: Please stay here. For Charlie. Or for me.

Bella Swan: I have to go.

Jacob Black: I'm begging you. Please.

Bella Swan: Goodbye, Jacob.

Please don't make me choose. Because it will be him, everytime. It's always been him.

BASTARD!Torstai 26.11.2009 16:17

Meil on ain hyvät jutut Torstenin kans :D
Se päätti ol tulemat tunnille ni piti vähän hatemailia lähettää :DD


Cirge: Where are you, BASTARD?! ;) :D

Torsten: Chilling out! ;-) Am I needed?

Cirge: Ha, bastard :D no, not needed, just would have liked to talk trash about the Germans :D have those fuckers send any e-mails about next meeting?? Btw, I HATE THEM! :D

Torsten: No nothing. It seems they are very busy today! Save the world and such kind of things

Cirge: Oh, yeah! Finding the cure for aids and saving the fucking pandas!

[after 10 minutes of boredom...]

Cirge: Oh my god, I hate you so much for not being here. It's so boring... I have to suffer this alone, financial investments! BLAAH... Why am I here?!... BASTARD! :D ;)

Torsten: Let me say it like this: you always get what you deserve :-D I'm still in bed and it is so great! Greetings

Cirge: Oh, FUCK YOU! :-@ I'll so beat you up next time I see you! ;) :D

[more minutes pass and boredom grows...]

Cirge: I'm sorry but you'll have to finish the SCM project on your own. I'm just about to commit suicide!

Torsten: Then I'll fly home tomorrow! B-)

Cirge: Better start booking your ticket then ;)

Jännä testiTorstai 02.04.2009 00:26

[ ] olen erittäin sitoutumiskammoinen
[x] sodassa, rakkaudessa ja yleisessä vitutuksessa kaikki on sallittua
[ ] sorrun joskus rajuihinkin ylilyönteihin
[ ] elämä ON hirveää, kun sen oikein oivaltaa
[x] en kestä maailmanparantajia enkä natseja
[ ] olen neuroottinen ADHD-tapaus ja henkisesti 5-vuotias
[ ] välillä minulla on phil collins -darra
[x] en yleensä ajattele ennen kuin avaan suuni
[x] tykkään räiskintäpeleistä ja ammun myös hyvikset
[ ] jos menet, syön sun herkkukorin
[x] vaikka olen yksinäinen, en roiku esimieheni huoneessa
[ ] teen "herkkiä" biisejä
= 5

[ ] nykyään melkein kaikki on jännää
[ ] ennen olin itse jännä ja maailma oli tylsä. nykyään toisinpäin
[ ] voin olla toisinaan hiukka naiivi
[ ] myönnettäköön: en ole aikaansaavaa tyyppiä
[ ] haluan käydä porvoossa sillä porvoo on jännä
[x] olen yksinäinen joten hölisen paljon
[x] juttujani ei kuitenkaan koskaan kuuntele kukaan
[ ] juice oli syvällinen henkilö, elävässä elämässä kiinni
[ ] jännä toi aggressio
[ ] olen kokenut luomisen tuskaa
[ ] en juo, mikä myöskin on jännä
[ ] anteeksi, eksyin taas jännän äärelle
= 2

[x] jos lääkkeet söi kala, ratkaisu: syö kala
[x] nykyään on huono maailma, terrorismi pauhaa
[x] olen niin sekaisin että enempää ei voi olla sekaisin
[x] pää on ihan dingdong, piripiri, tööttööt
[ ] kaikki lääkitys on ihan puhasta SCHEISSEA! JUMALAUTA!
[x] tykkään myös laulaa höpöjä
[x] jos kaipaatte mielivaltaista johtajuutta, minä olen miehenne
[ ] olen myös helvetin yksinäinen
[x] mummo on lajitoveri
[x] selitän usein maailman omituisimpia juttuja
[ ] tantraseksi ja martti ahtisaaren nobel-palkinto inspiroivat minua
[ ] kiivastun helposti ja huudan myös
= 8 x)

[ ] olen ainoa tolkun mies perheessäni/työpaikalla/missä sitten aikaani vietänkin
[ ] ihailen syvästi ihmistä, joka ei useimpien mielestä juuri ihailua ansaitse
[x] kykenen elämään ja työskentelemään hullujen keskellä
[ ] osaan pitää järjen kädessä...
[ ] ...eli tajuan mm. että itsemurhalla uhkailevia ihmisiä ei kannata provosoida
[x] haluan ymmärtää. välillä se on vaan hankalaa
[ ] pelaan mielelläni hiipimis- ja väijymispelejä ilman, että ammun kaikki
[ ] olen tavis, mutta ihan hyvällä tavalla
[x] kestän kavereiltani aika paljon
[ ] etunimen saisivat sentään muistaa
[ ] olen perheellinen ja arvoni ovat sen mukaiset
[x] huolehdin mielelläni muista ihmisistä
= 4

[ ] olen aggressiivinen ja pienestä provosoituva
[ ] ja erittäin antifeministi! nainen on heikko
[1/2] toivoisin olevani vastakkaista sukupuolta
[ ] ...koska olin isälleni pettymys
[ ] on naisen oma syy, jos mies pettää
[x] kestän tiukassakin paikassa
[x] inhoan munattomia miehiä
[ ] mielipiteeni ovat aika jyrkkiä
[ ] vastustan naispappeutta
[ ] elämäni päätavoite on tehdä isä ylpeäksi
[ ] jenkit on hienoja ihmisiä
[1/2] kaverini pelkäävät minua välillä ja syytäkin löytyy
= 3

[ ] olen maailman epäilemättä ärsyttävin tyyppi
[ ] ai jumankekka
[ ] mr media, that's me
[x] keksin omasta mielestäni nasevia juttuja, jotka ovat oikeasti ihan hirveitä
[ ] yövuorolaiset, hankkikaa parempi duuni. oikeesti
[ ] dallaspullan tuoksuinen ja -makuinen huomen on hyvä asia
[ ] olen objektiivinen rasittavuuteen asti
[ ] minulla ei ole kavereita, mutta väitän tiettyjä ihmisiä frendeikseni
[ ] jos käytätte sosiaalietuuksia väärin, paskaa huomenta
[x] puhun hyvin harvoin järkeä
[ ] tittelini vaihtelevat, olen tilanteesta riippuen mm. toimittaja, ihminen, tv-persoona
[ ] oikeasti olen idiootti
= 2

JUMALAUTA! Olen Repomies. Repomies olen. Hieno mies on Repomies. Ihan erimies on. Erimies on merimies. Merimies on tosi mies. Tosin kyllä kuolee aika helposti. Heti kun savukkeen kynttilästä sytyttää niin siihen seilori kupsahtaa.

Pasilaa katselin...Tiistai 10.03.2009 23:04

Repomies: Tässä on maahan tullut kerjäläinen.

Pöysti: Toi on sun vaimos korsetissa.

Repomies: Täh?! JUMALAUTA!
Aina on väärät diat minulla.
Mitähän tapahtuisi jos kerrankin tulisin
ja nimenomaan yrittäisin näyttää vaimoni korsetissa...?

Pöysti: Me nähtäis maahan tullut kerjäläinen.

Repomies: Et solvaa minun vaimoa!


Madagascar: Escape 2 AfricaTiistai 27.01.2009 23:42

Mason: Work will not continue until we discuss our terms with management. Fist up, maternity leave.
Skipper: Maternity leave?..?... [looks under table] You're all male!

Skipper: It's great when somebody else makes sacrifices [a bullet hits the bobble-head hula doll] Nooooo! Medic!

Skipper: Gently now, you just wanna kiss the ground, just a little peck, a smooch like you're kissing your sister [Plane violently lands and the tires break off] I said kiss it!

[Bulb on the fuel guage is flashing]
Kowalski: Skipper, look!
Skipper: Analysis
Kowalski: It looks like a small incandescent bulb, designed to indicate something out of the ordinary like a malfunction
Skipper: I find it pretty and somewhat hypnotic
Kowalski: That too sir
Skipper: Right. Rico, manual!
[Catches the manual and smashes the bulb with it]
Skipper: Problemo solved
Kowalski: Sir, we maybe out of fuel
Kowalski: What makes you think that?
Kowalski: We've lost engine one, and engine two is no longer on fire.

TwilightKeskiviikko 14.01.2009 16:23

Isabella Swan: Look, You gotta give me some answers.
Edward Cullen: Yes. No. To get to the other side. Uh, 1.77245...
Isabella Swan: I don't need to know what the square root of pi is.
Edward Cullen: You knew that?

Edward Cullen: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Isabella Swan: What a stupid lamb.
Edward Cullen: What a sick, masochistic lion.

Edward Cullen: If you were smart, you'd stay away from me.
Isabella Swan: Ok. For arguments sake, let's say I'm not smart.

Edward Cullen: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Isabella Swan: Then don't.

Isabella Swan: Did you follow me?
Edward Cullen: I... I feel very protective of you.
Isabella Swan: So you followed me.
Edward Cullen: I was trying to keep a distance unless you needed my help and then I heard what those low-lives were thinking.
Isabella Swan: Wait. You say you heard what they were thinking?
Isabella Swan: So what you... you read minds?
Edward Cullen: I can read every mind in this room apart from yours. There's... Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Cat... And then you, nothing. That's very frustrating.
Isabella Swan: Is there something wrong with me?
Edward Cullen: See... I tell you I can read minds and you think there's something wrong with you?

Edward Cullen: I'm the world's most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell. As if I would need any of that. As if you could outrun me. As if you could fight me off. I'm designed to kill.

Isabella Swan: About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him, and I didn't know how dominate that part might be, that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

Edward Cullen: You're like a drug to me. Like my own personal brand of heroine.

Isabella Swan: Just don't leave me.
Edward Cullen: Where else am I gonna go?

Sata Dance ManiaPerjantai 14.11.2008 21:47

Huom huom! (Mainostetaan nyt sit täälläkin kun mun päiväkirjaa käy lukemassa niin moni ;D )

Checkkaa yhteisö Sata Dance Mania

Satakunnan kovimmat pippalot tiedossa.
"Be there or be square!"

Pistäkää tieto eteenpäin että saadaan koko lääni messiin!

Joe Jonas - Gotta find youTiistai 21.10.2008 00:27

Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Oh yeah
Yeah yeah

You're the remedy I'm searching hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you It'll be alright
I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be, your not that far

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Been feeling lost, can't find the words to say
Spending all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I want to be
Oh next to you... and you next to me
Oh I need to find you... yeah

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you (yeah)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (I gotta find you)
You're the missing piece I need, the song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Yeah, yeah... I gotta find you <sydän>
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