


Peikkoin sukua

np: Combichrist - Enjoy The AbuseSunnuntai 14.01.2007 16:29

Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse

Next time you opened your mouth
I'll put my fist down your trought
SO deep you can not swallow
I'll make your body hollow
You will enjoy thee abuse
Cause you got nothing to lose
I swear I'll fist fuck your brain
Until I'm smiling again

Everybody Hate you

Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse

Next time your down on your knee's
and your respecting a slut
It Might be meaning that lasts
And I might just have a (?)

Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse

Next time you opened your mouth
I'll put my fist down your trought
SO deep you can not swallow
I'll make your body hollow
You will enjoy thee abuse
Cause you got nothing to lose
I swear I'll fist fuck your brain
Until I'm smiling again

Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse

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