


Peikkoin sukua


- Vanhemmat »
I pace, alone
In a place for the dead
Overcome by woe
And here, I've grown
So fond of dread
That I swear it's heaven

Oh sweet Mary,
Dressed in grief
Roll back the stone

With these words scrawled in a severed hand
Tears fall like shards of glass that band
In rivers, like sinners
Swept with me to join the damned

A darkened sky
The day that laughter died
Fell swiftly into night
And stayed within Her sight
Staring at the knife
Oh God, how easy now the sacrifice
My life, to have Her with me

So farewell to distant thunder
Those inept stars I've worshipped under
Fall father, their Father
Lies in wait in flames below
Whilst my love, a blood red flower
Calls to me from verdant bowers
Graveside, I cry
Please save me from this Hell I know

A darkened sky
The day that laughter died
Fell swiftly into night
And stayed within Her sight
Staring at the knife
Oh God, how easy now to sacrifice
My life, to have Her with me

An eye for an eye as espied in the bible
My faith is lost to the burning of idols
One less cross to press upon the survival
Of this lorded agony

And I, (much as I have tried
To bury Her from mind,
Fate's tourniquet was tied, when She died...)
Still sense Her presence so divine
Lithe arms about my throat
Like pining swans entwined
Footfalls at nightfall close to mine

Suicide is a tried and tested formula for release

I snatch Her whisper like the wind through cedars
See Her face in every natural feature
Midst the mist and sleepy hollows of fever...
With glee deceiving me

Suicide is a tried and tested formula for release

I hear Her voice from where the grave defies Her
Sirensong to sing along, no finer
Suicide notes, harmonised in a minor
Strike a chord with misery

No light nor reef
No unsinkable of romance keeps me
Safely from the stormy seas
Now drowning, resounding
Death-knells pound my dreams
Unthinkable to dredge through this
Listless and lonely winter frieze

A darken sky
This day hereafter dies
Falls swiftly into night
And stays within my sight
Staring at the knife
Oh God, how ease it was to sacrifice
My life, to have Her with me

No more a victim of a crusade
Where souls are strung from a moral palisade
I slit my wrists and quickly slip away...
I journey now on jewelled sands
Beneath a moon to Summerlands
To grace Her lips with contraband
The blaze once in my veins

np: Combichrist - Enjoy The AbuseSunnuntai 14.01.2007 16:29

Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse

Next time you opened your mouth
I'll put my fist down your trought
SO deep you can not swallow
I'll make your body hollow
You will enjoy thee abuse
Cause you got nothing to lose
I swear I'll fist fuck your brain
Until I'm smiling again

Everybody Hate you

Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse

Next time your down on your knee's
and your respecting a slut
It Might be meaning that lasts
And I might just have a (?)

Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse

Next time you opened your mouth
I'll put my fist down your trought
SO deep you can not swallow
I'll make your body hollow
You will enjoy thee abuse
Cause you got nothing to lose
I swear I'll fist fuck your brain
Until I'm smiling again

Enjoy thee abuse
Enjoy thee abuse

np: Rammstein - EifersuchtTiistai 26.12.2006 19:18

Bin ich schöner
zerschneid mir das Gesicht
bin ich stärker
brich feige mein Genick
bin ich klüger
töte mich und iss mein Hirn
Hab ich dein Weib
töte mich und iss mich ganz auf
dann iss mich ganz auf

Bin ich ehrlicher
beiß mir die Zunge ab
bin ich reicher
dann nimm mir alles
bin ich mutiger
töte mich und iss mein Herz
Hab ich dein Weib
töte mich und iss mich ganz auf
dann iss mich ganz auf
doch leck den Teller ab

Es kocht die Eifersucht

Hab ich so glatte Haut
zieh sie in Streifen ab
Hab ich die klaren Augen
nimm mir das Licht
Hab ich die reine Seele
töte sie in Flammen
Habe ich dein Weib dann
töte mich und iss mich ganz auf
dann iss mich ganz auf
doch leck den Teller ab

Es kocht die Eifersucht



Am I more handsome
cut up my face
am I stronger
break my neck cowardly
am I smarter
kill me and eat my brain
Do I have your wife
kill me and eat me up completely
then eat me up completely

Am I more honest
bite off my tongue
am I richer
then take everything from me
am I more courageous
kill me and eat my heart
Do I have your wife
kill me and eat me up completely
then eat me up completely
but lick up the plate

Jealousy is cooking

Do I have such smooth skin
pull it off in strips
Do I have clear eyes
take the light from me
Do I have a pure soul
kill it in flames
Do I have your wife, then
kill me and eat me up completely
then eat me up completely
but lick up the plate

Jealousy is cooking

mikä menikään väärin?Maanantai 13.11.2006 11:31

NP: Slipknot - Scissors

I play doctor for five minutes flat
Before I cut my heart open...and let the air out
Three bugs, a pound of dust
Some wind spilled before me
In the strangest manner that had
Broke away my tear spout

She said don't hesitate

It's hard to stay between the lines of skin
Just cuz I have nerves, don't mean that I can feel
I wasn't very much fun to be with anyway
Just let the blood run red CUZ I CAN'T FEEL!

Biding my time until the time is right
Biding my time until the time is right
Biding my time until the time is right
Biding my time...
It's time


Sopii muuten tähän hetkeen liiankin hyvin...

"Katso mitä nimise tarkoittaa"Torstai 31.08.2006 18:14

A = seksikäs
B = yllätyksellinen
C = asioitaan jakava ihminen
D = varma
E = kekseliäs
F = cool
G = hauska
H = on aina siellä
I = enkeli
J = kaunis
K = saa aina kaiken sen mitä hän haluaa
L = itsepäinen
M = pahis
N = fantisoiva
O = suojelee kavereitaan
P = pehmeä
Q = ei valehtele melkein koskaan
R = saa tarpeekseen pojista/tytöistä
S = ylläpitää yhteyden hyvin
T = kiusallinen
U = mukava
V = ei valehtele koskaan
W = paljon kärsvällisyyttä
X = hassu
Y = äänekäs
Z = hyvä kuuntelemaan
Ã… = kohtelias
Ä = ei mene selän taakke
Ö = kiva
Vastaustesi perusteella seuraava luonnehdinta kuvaa persoonallisuuttasi

Olet hiljainen, käytännöllinen, herkkä ja spontaani. Kaltaisesi ihmiset ovat hieman ujoja ja syrjään vetäytyviä, ja etsiytyvät ammatteihin joissa on mahdollisuus yksinäisyyteen ja samalla pitää sormensa elämän pulssilla. Metsänhoito, maatalous, puutarhanhoito, sukeltaminen, kaivostyö ja rakentaminen ovat sinulle soveltuvia ammatteja, samoin kuin käsityöammatit ja taide. Ihmistyyppisi ovat myös usein ammattiurheilijoita, muusikkoja tai esiintyviä taiteilijoita. Osaat nauttia aisteistasi, ja viihdyt ulkoilmassa ja luonnossa. Arvostat itsenäisyyttä ja riippumattomuutta, ja vetäydyt mielelläsi syrjään liian epämiellyttävistä tai vaativista tilanteista. Vapaa mielenlaatusi on usein vastakkainen liikeyritysten tavoitteille, joten sinua ei helposti löydetä ”uraputkesta” tai ainakaan suuryrityksen johtoportaasta.
- Vanhemmat »