<alexander224> clizzer
<alexander224> whats up bro
<clizzer> nm, work work work
<clizzer> u?
<alexander224> I'm in big fucking trouble dude
<clizzer> do tell
<alexander224> I popped a a 7-11 a couple minutes ago and a fucking cop just decided to stroll in when my gun was in the cashiers face
<alexander224> I took a customer hostage
<alexander224> got out of the store
<clizzer> : D
<alexander224> ran like fuck and ducked into a mcdonalds
<alexander224> which is where I'm at now
<clizzer> you, sir, are an idiot n___n
<alexander224> dude
<alexander224> I know
<alexander224> i needed the money
<clizzer> what piece are u carrying?
<alexander224> a gold plated desert eagle 50 cal
<alexander224> 2 of them
<clizzer> -.-'
* HotelKilo47 (~HotelKilo@3DAA048C.17D74DB2.250478B5.IP) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
<clizzer> u r so full of shit man :D
* HotelKilo47 (~HotelKilo@3DAA048C.17D74DB2.250478B5.IP) has joined #totse
<alexander224> nah dude
<alexander224> you think cops can look at irc logs?
<clizzer> yep.
* wmt is now known as casey_dick_malone_carlson
<alexander224> damn what the fuck
<alexander224> oh shit a cop car just drove by real slow
* casey_dick_malone_carlson is now known as wmt
<superspeedz> lol
<superspeedz> someone is panicking
<clizzer> they can do 85% of the stuff what we can
<alexander224> can they like here the irc convo like on their police radio?
<clizzer> naah
<clizzer> don't be stupid
<alexander224> dude i dont know what to do
<alexander224> so I figured I would get on irc
<clizzer> and #totse has all the answers needed
<clizzer> : D
<clizzer> well gotta admit, i would do the same
<ZeMonsta> Hai
<clizzer> what time is it over there?
<alexander224> 2 am
<clizzer> ok
<alexander224> wait
<alexander224> wtf are you doing?
<alexander224> are you trying to locate me motherfucker?
<clizzer> nothing i was just wondering
<alexander224> god damn
<alexander224> theyr on my net
* alexander224 (~alexander@cloak-98BEDE75.vctrcmta01.vctatx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net) Quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
<clizzer> : D
<clizzer> pfft, amateurs