



Who's Your Celebrity Soul Mate?Maanantai 25.12.2006 21:42

Which superstar is best suited to be your match
made in Hollywood heaven? Take the Who's Your
Celebrity Soul Mate? test and find out!

EvilAngel, your celebrity soul mate is someone who's Indie.

You're probably not one to take the path most traveled.
In fact, an independent spirit like you would much rather
carve out your own special niche. So it's only natural that
your romantic match would be required to do the same.

Someone who's unique, intelligent, maybe a bit serious
and brooding is right for the part. An indie actor like
Johnny Depp seems best suited for that role. And it only
makes sense that you'd rather have your rendezvous at
places that are under the radar — just like you! So, keep
making your own waves in the world. The awards and
accolades are sure to follow for you and your celeb soul
mate! And even if you don't live in the same reality as
your celebrity soul mate, you can still meet someone who's
indie close to home. So get moving!

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