Her only purpose is to die over and over! Even though she can see the future, she’s not allowed to escape her fate. She is born knowing that she will die before she has truly lived. Countless deaths, without a life to give them meaning.
Time is our greatest obsession. Who has not dreamed of returning to the past, of changing the future? Imagine the power. To see how our choices affect our lives, and then return to undo them. Endless possibilities.Imagine the freedom to cross time and journey through the ages. The freedom to change the past, and bend history to your will.
What would you do if you had that power? Could you eradicate the mistakes of history, and build a perfect future? Or would you be subject to fate, and be swept down the river of time... ...powerless to change your course?
Ei kai maailma nyt siihen kaadu jos joku joskus on eri tavalla?
No kuule ei kaadu, mutta jos tarpeeksi monta pientä asiaa on pois paikoiltaan niin se saattaa romahtaa. Minä en ole kokenut tällaista voimatonta kauhua sen jälkeen kun vaimo vaihtoi sohvan paikkaa niin että matto jäi puoliksi sen alle.