


ja kirjoitus etenee

Tough BoyMaanantai 19.03.2007 22:29

It's a story of a man
who says he loves you
but he doesn't stand by you
he goes somewhere else
he rides with the valkyries

He's a tough boy
whose intrests are more
than you can imagine
he's a sailor
who comes to visit you

His home is far away
far away from you
you don't know him
as he knows you
he is a viking

He's a tough boy...

He is white as a rabbit
his hands are too cold
you can't shake them
try to understand him
he is a bad, bad man

He's a tough boy...

He takes you with him
he doesn't give you any mercy
'cause you don't deserve it
you are as bad as him
you are a sailor

He's a tough boy...

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