The evening grew dark, horizon painted red
A breeze cleared the sky, reddish sun set
The weather got gentle, calm silence fell
I have a story and no-one to tellÂ…
Morning came, it was my time to rise
I waked you up, touched your eyes
Rays of light and beams to warm
Everything for a morning to form.
You rubbed your eyes, I dried your tears
My shining presence faded the nightmares,
You gave a laugh and went your way
You couldnÂ’t understand that you were my day.
Have you ever thought, a morning without me
A world without colour, beauty to see
Impossible is a concept, but it might come true
IÂ’m losing my faith, IÂ’m getting away from you
No sunset is beautiful, not without someone to share
Like one-way love is too much to bear
Maybe I thought only death can separate
Maybe I convinced myself there is no fate
Maybe thereÂ’s a place, where I belong
Ingratitude will cease when the light is gone
My life is eternal, others die unknown
I only wish my heart had a homeÂ…
*monille nämä ovat vain sanoja, riimejä, tyhjiä lauseita. jotka yhtään minua kuitenkaan tuntevat löytävät takaa tarinan, merkityksen jokaisesta lauseesta, sisällön jokaisesta sanasta, sillä jokainen on tarkkaan harkittu jotta tarina tulisi vertauskuvallisesti esille.