


Tuleva puutarhuri

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[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 04.04.2012 14:12

No International security,
No Call of the righteous man,
Needs a reason to kill a man,
History teaches us so,
The reason he must attain,
Must be approved by his God,
His child, partisan brother of war
(System of a down)

We are a legion
Voice of anarchy
This is revolution
Creating new disorder
We are enemy
Divided of the system
Crossing democracy
Trading it in this time
(Arch enemy)

I'm human pollution
I covet retribution
I'm just a big mistake
a defect you can subjugate
your ridicule is just typical antics
spineless, mindless, tragic, fanatic
puritan, bigot
lunatic, hypocrite

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