

- Vanhemmat »

i/oMaanantai 13.04.2009 21:42

The Static Age tulee eurooppaan.


Mä olen sanaton.

wanhahan se onMaanantai 01.09.2008 03:53

9d 10h 45mPerjantai 28.03.2008 19:13

Jotain suunnilleen noin, kunnes astutaan ovesta ulos, matkataan koko päivä, ja ja ja!

päädytään kolmeksi viikoksi Californian lämpöön!

On se jännä ._______.<3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.03.2008 05:19

we become everything we need

Glamorous<3Torstai 14.02.2008 18:14

Happy Valentine's, everyone!

This one started better than any previous this far, I'm sure.

Well of course, it's great to begin such a day in the company of your friends and beloved, without a doubt. Got my sweetie some jewellery and three pairs of shoes, she got me my first-ever brown contact lenses. I'll leave unsaid all the other treats this and the previous day included, it's been so very precious.

I'm still longing to greet my silver star on this special day.. If you'll somehow, magically, catch a glimpse of this: Happy Valentine to you Dearest<3

Well, hope you all have a good one, I'll leave this home now to continue celebrating.
Fuck, did it have to start snowing today though -_-;

The picture added was the best I could possibly grant you :'D <3<3

Vitun turha torstaiPerjantai 18.01.2008 01:37


Mä missasin sen.

Tää on jo toka kerta, putkeen vielä.

Joku kärsii tästä.

Eniten minä...

Celebrity CrushesMaanantai 03.12.2007 22:02

you'll fight off
the monsters
with that magnificent
Golden Heart of yours?

- so tired of xxxx xx
They wear me out

MemoriesTorstai 13.09.2007 05:00

"shota's makeup skills are totally rad! she should duel jade or something with an eyeliner pencil...I think jade will get mad and karate chop his makeup table or something...yeah.."

gotta love friends :''D

HaikuLauantai 03.03.2007 06:09

Hitler was emo
I bet those jews wished he'd cut
Himself a bit more

pakko se on myöntää
ei ole oma
10 am on a sunday morning that could not differ more from every other weekend.
A shower, dress up, packing.
Late, late, late.

Leaving for London. To see AFI.
It's 11 pm as we finally leave the ground for the everdream to be fulfilled once again.
I believe no one could write down the feelings.
3 am at the hostel with our dearest Laura and other good friends and fellow AFI fans in a group of total 16 people.
Everyone's dead tired.

To sleep, only to wake up 6.30 am for the make-up and some breakfast, necessary for the queueing that awaits. As everything takes its time, we move on.
To find ourselves queuing with about 16 people (at first) in front of Brixton Academy. 10 am. The front row is promised. If not, at least close.

Visiting any toilet nearby now and then, eating whatever you happen to have in a slow pace as the need of food is really out of place. Watching as the hours crawl or fly, depending on the sweet or bitter moment of total tiredom.

Anna noted Smith behind the corner, and we leaved the queue for the short moment to share
with the hero of all AFI fans, including me. We were a tiny group, asking for a picture with our cameraphones (me and Anna were the lucky ones to own such). Rejoicing of a dream come true, that yet turns out to be only a part of the heaven.

I felt so happy that I needed nothing more, really.

Queuing for hours, until finally 7 pm the doors open and we flow in. Such a confusing yet fascinating sight, hall full of people trying to get as front as they can.

I got to the front row, enjoying the tight space with my lovely Shota and Julia, both right behind me. Such love is never felt without cruelty. Nobody promised you could breathe free.

Unfortunately it seemed that Shota and Julia had to endure even more pain than what I had being against the fence.

Opening up to The Dispute and The Explosion (that were both most definitely worth seeing), only to be swallowed into the unique feelin in the crowd that sings "Through our bleeding we are one!".

Nothing could get better as Davey, Jade, Adam and Hunter enter the stage, filling us with everything we long for and everything they can give. The time is much too short but heavenly. Smith can be seen a couple of times, sneaking on and off stage as always *g*. I had the exact clothing with our beautiful singer in white, except for the unbelieveable golden pink on his eyes. I only had pink xD.

Such is over much too fast, and we fall down from the heaven to buy ourselves shirts that cost more than what we should have. It's worth every cent.

And finally waiting outside, if only to see a glance of the band or perhaps get an autograph. To have the faith in them not coming in case of the London and its million sized fanbase.

Oddly enough, most of the fans are gone, leaving only the few hard-core ones around.

Waiting. Moving. Waiting. I never wished so much of this evening yet I had more than I could ask for. Smith appeared, seemingly busy but able to share a quick picture with our tour-mascot, Vincent. Oh god the heaven. His voice, the expressions, the way he pays attention. Later on as he returns, I dare to stop him with a slight touch on his hand and he gifts me with a picture with him, as he has time for that. He feels so warm in the night.

As Smith leaves again for he has to work, Adam appears. Unbelieveable. I honestly believed they might not have the time, but there he stands, chatting with people and signing everything he's given. I get a picture and an autograph, and I'm so grateful. As we chat there, making him promise to visit Finland. A tiny moment later there goes the rumor that Davey has appeared. My heart stops for a moment. That I most definitely never dared to wish from this time.

He stands there, beautiful, looking perfect. As I get closer and closer I see all that I love, first time for real. He is so beautiful..

Davey doesn't want pictures, but he does give me a hug and sign my shirt. I have no idea what to say as he looks at me for the brief moment. I am speechless. As I pass by, I still glance at him all I can, enjoying every second that I can't believe is actually true. He is there right next to me. My shoes give me about the same height and I love how he is. Everything about him. His moves, his voice. Everything.

As the other fans claim the deserved attention I stay there, silent. Observing. Loving. Knowing I could not say a word, not just yet.

I was told that when I looked away, Davey actually checked me out. I can't believe it, still. Someone said to him "Look, she has it" pointing at my broken heart -tattoo behind my ear, and he looked. I never saw this, of course. He did none of that directly. Every time I turned away, he looked at me from head to toe, observing. I'd never dare to say this unless it had been confirmed by more than 5 people. I don't wish to brag about it, but share a fact that has given me something more than I can realize.

Smith returns again, this time for good. I ask for a hug, and a hug I get. Also an autograph on my shirt that is so hard to sign that we both laugh at it. I love everything in the moment. We stay there for a time no one counted, no one had idea of and no one cared. Such moment spent outside time and space, with people we've always wished to meet. There they are, for us.

We hang with Smith, discussing time to time. I can hardly stand at first. As the night moves on, somehow Vincent ends up in Smith's arm, riding on his back into the tourbus Jade hid himself in. Nobody knows what really happened in the bus, but Smith promised we'd get to know eventually. Another video, we hope. We end up presenting Vincent to Davey, who calls him cute and hugs him as we ask him to. He is adorable. We tell him how there's 16 people from Finland just to see AFI and Davey is impressed. Hoping to come to Finland, as he says.

We are gifted with a hint of where Hunter might just be, or was at least earlier *g* and we head for the spot, finding the man chatting with three friends. A calm moment. He is the most realistic, yet dreamy moment of that night somehow. We get autographs and a picture, Hunter is awesome. Offering great company, really someone to talk with. Of course we tell him to come to Finland, this request never ends. We get a picture of him with Vincent, and leave Hunter to have his peace again.

Of all the night we spent most time with Smith, not necessarily speaking but just being there. Of course there's light chat of this and that. Truly a night to remember.

I end up hugging him about 4 times that night, I cannot remember. The last time was as we were leaving, and he really gave me something memorable, gifting me with a light kiss on my cheek, letting me feel his unshaved cheek right next to mine. I'm never going to let this memory go. He was leaning towards me, making me fall back. Laughing and saying "Woah, what are you doing?" As if I was the one falling. Shota even asked if I was planning to take him with me, for I was quite all over him.

To tell the truth, I seemed to be all over him for the whole night, speaking... touching... hugging... All of it meant more to me than I could ever leave here in words.

But it was heavenly.

This is as it is as the final moment of memory. Shota has a more complete one. With PICS. Do not miss it.
- Vanhemmat »