


Headed to Brixton Academy in London, 6th April -10. Ahhh........

Who's coming? :D

i/oMaanantai 13.04.2009 21:42

The Static Age tulee eurooppaan.


Mä olen sanaton.

wanhahan se onMaanantai 01.09.2008 03:53

9d 10h 45mPerjantai 28.03.2008 19:13

Jotain suunnilleen noin, kunnes astutaan ovesta ulos, matkataan koko päivä, ja ja ja!

päädytään kolmeksi viikoksi Californian lämpöön!

On se jännä ._______.<3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.03.2008 05:19

we become everything we need

Glamorous<3Torstai 14.02.2008 18:14

Happy Valentine's, everyone!

This one started better than any previous this far, I'm sure.

Well of course, it's great to begin such a day in the company of your friends and beloved, without a doubt. Got my sweetie some jewellery and three pairs of shoes, she got me my first-ever brown contact lenses. I'll leave unsaid all the other treats this and the previous day included, it's been so very precious.

I'm still longing to greet my silver star on this special day.. If you'll somehow, magically, catch a glimpse of this: Happy Valentine to you Dearest<3

Well, hope you all have a good one, I'll leave this home now to continue celebrating.
Fuck, did it have to start snowing today though -_-;

The picture added was the best I could possibly grant you :'D <3<3

Vitun turha torstaiPerjantai 18.01.2008 01:37


Mä missasin sen.

Tää on jo toka kerta, putkeen vielä.

Joku kärsii tästä.

Eniten minä...

Celebrity CrushesMaanantai 03.12.2007 22:02

you'll fight off
the monsters
with that magnificent
Golden Heart of yours?

- so tired of xxxx xx
They wear me out

MemoriesTorstai 13.09.2007 05:00

"shota's makeup skills are totally rad! she should duel jade or something with an eyeliner pencil...I think jade will get mad and karate chop his makeup table or something...yeah.."

gotta love friends :''D

HaikuLauantai 03.03.2007 06:09

Hitler was emo
I bet those jews wished he'd cut
Himself a bit more

pakko se on myöntää
ei ole oma