


Moved to Sweden.

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- Vanhemmat »

UuuuhMaanantai 18.01.2010 19:52

So yeah, major inactivity here. Mainly 'coz I've moved to FB... pretty active there tho.
ANYHOW. I've been in Sweden since 5/12, and yeeah... coming back to Finland 24/1. Makes me rather sad.
Anyway, to the point. Let's share a bit about what has been going on in my life.

So, about a month ago, I was cleaning. I was sitting on the floor, packing stuff, putting stuff away, the usual crap... then I reached for something to my left, not quite sure what it was, I seem to have forgotten... but yes, my hand slips, and it sliiiides, and I slide with it.
BANG; my head hits the corner of the small TV that was on the floor. I sit up, fast as hell, cover my face with my hands, I feel tears welling up in my eyes but I resist; I JUST finished my make-up, not gonna fucking ruin it because of a small bump.
Fredrik jumps up from his chair and comes on the floor with me, and tells me to remove my hands, so that he can see how it looks like, and to know what happened.
So I lower my hands, and as I look at them, first reaction is "well fuck, blood". Yes, blood on my hands, I was first only annoyed; I don't want blood on my forehead. I think it was my forehead.
Fredrik goes "TSSSH AAAH...." and I look up to him and he grabs my shoulders and says in a serious voice that we have to clean it up and call Jonas or something and get to the hospital.
So I get up, and without even realizing it I've already let my tears go. I go to the bathroom, and God, I swear to God that was one of the most scariest moments in my life.
I stare at myself in the mirror, I can't see with my left eye; a swelling as big as a golfball is pushing on my eye and a huge, long wound is open just under my eyebrow.
You have no idea how scary that is. The swelling was SO big. The wound was SO huge. And it kept bleeding and the swelling looked like it was slowly trying to rip the wound more and more open.
After more panic and shit Jonas comes over with the kids to give me a ride to the hospital. At this point I'm OK, sure, still shocked as fuck because of how my face looks like, and I'm holding a bag of ice on my left eye which killed a bit of the pain.

At the hospital they had me wait for two hours. Then they took me in to a room.
I sat in the room alone for an hour and a half. Then they asked me to leave the room and wait outside.
Another two hours lapsed. My bag of ice had turned into water hours ago, and I was shivering and crying because of the insane pain.
So, after FUCKING AGES they take me in, they decide NOT to do anything about the swelling, and spend 5 minutes on me, just gluing the wound and throwing a bandage on me. Then I was sent home with no further instructions.
And I was in so fucking much pain I just wanted to curl on the floor and die and didn't care to ask about anything.

Painful weeks followed, with more swelling, bruising, the wound managed to get infected, the wound opened, since the glue didn't hold it together well enough...
All I can say it was a fucking pain, and I have an ugly scar under my left eyebrow.
If you feel like you care, you can check some pictures of this incident that I recently added to my album. Of course these pictures won't give you the horror I felt, because in my eyes they really don't look that bad compared to how it looked like when the accident happened. If I was an odd person I would've taken a picture right after the accident, but I cared about getting to the hospital more.
HOWEVER. I am thankful. For one, my glasses, which I was wearing, were completely unharmed. Secondly, if I'd been a bit closer to the TV, I would have lost an eye.
Thirdly, God bless free health care in Sweden until I'm 20.

That's actually all I care to write now. l: I'm gonna curl up in the bed and watch some series.

FaceBookMaanantai 19.10.2009 03:47

Here I am again, baby. Worthless, lovely FB.
Damn. >_>
- Vanhemmat »