


pungeon neutral

PFFT HETALIA GAMES GUYS ILYSunnuntai 07.03.2010 15:35

Luen Crack Chatin archiveja (HÖH ne alkaa just siitä ku mun Ranska lähti xD, en näe mitä se on puuhannu tänään ku en oo ollu vahtimassa!) ja jostain syystä hajosin tosi pahasti tälle:

[09:36:22 07/03/10] Ireland : *@ Quebec* Save some for me! I'm kindda getting molested against my will right now.

Sillee "Hei voiksä jättää pari piparia mulleki ku oon nyt vähän kiireinen täs." Mut miks ihmeessä Aragon yleensä on sen kimpussa? x'D EI VOI KÄSITTÄÄ. That's why I love the Crack Chat.

Ja sit ne jostain syystä on keskustellu näemmä Irlannin seksikokemuksista. :DDDDD

[09:57:52 07/03/10] Ireland : I was set up on a date with Francis once.
[09:58:07 07/03/10] Aragon : ...........
[09:58:12 07/03/10] Ireland : A long long LONG time ago.
[09:58:15 07/03/10] Alaska. : ... You're welcome...
[09:58:44 07/03/10] Aragon : ...........................
[09:58:49 07/03/10] Ireland : It didn't end in sex, either.
[09:58:58 07/03/10] Aragon : .......................................
[09:59:02 07/03/10] Prussia : Are you sure?
[09:59:06 07/03/10] Prussia : There are these things...
[09:59:11 07/03/10] Prussia : They call them "floories"
[09:59:18 07/03/10] Prussia : and well...when you wake up--
[09:59:19 07/03/10] Ireland : YES I AM SURE!
[09:59:42 07/03/10] Aragon : I don't believe you Ireland.
[09:59:47 07/03/10] Ireland : (pffft XD They should call them rapies)
[09:59:54 07/03/10] Prussia : *chuckles* I think she's lying too
[09:59:55 07/03/10] Ireland : Ask Francis!
[10:00:03 07/03/10] Prussia : (my favorite line *highfives irey*)
[10:00:07 07/03/10] Aragon : Seriously, that man rips off his clothes without a thought
[10:00:16 07/03/10] Ireland : (*highfives*)
[10:00:25 07/03/10] Prussia : He wouldn't tell us if he drugged you
[10:00:30 07/03/10] Prussia : *thinks* Hmmm....
[10:00:39 07/03/10] Prussia : *eyes snap open* OH MY GOD IRELAND
[10:00:41 07/03/10] Ireland : He walked in on Scotland and I having sex once, but that's it!
[10:00:50 07/03/10] Prussia : WHAT IF YOU'RE CARRYING FRANCE'S CHILD?!?
[10:00:56 07/03/10] Ireland : WHAT?! WHAT DID I DO?!
[10:01:02 07/03/10] Aragon : Did he join you two?
[10:01:03 07/03/10] Ireland : ................................
[10:01:16 07/03/10] Hungary : ........
[10:01:19 07/03/10] Ireland : Give me one good reason why I shouldn't slap you, Gil.
[10:01:30 07/03/10] Prussia : We need a test!
[10:01:32 07/03/10] Ireland : No, Aragon. He just stood there......
[10:01:35 07/03/10] Prussia : Give us a test!
[10:01:44 07/03/10] Aragon : .....voyeurism?
[10:01:51 07/03/10] Ireland : I'M NOT PREGNANT STUPID!
[10:02:03 07/03/10] Hungary : *Giggles*
[10:02:06 07/03/10] Ireland : Huh?
[10:02:14 07/03/10] Prussia : Oh you just don't know you are
[10:02:26 07/03/10] Prussia : There's a little Francis in there somewhere
[10:02:42 07/03/10] Ireland : I DID NOT SLEEP WITH FRANCIS!
[10:02:48 07/03/10] Aragon : Everyone has a little Francis in them
[10:02:51 07/03/10] Ireland : Ask him yourself!
[10:03:01 07/03/10] Prussia : When he's born I'll make it the bad touch quartet!
[10:03:13 07/03/10] Prussia : Oh he'd lie...because you were totally date raped
[10:03:23 07/03/10] Ireland : Oh my God! I was not!

xDDDDDDDDDD ILY GUYS. Hajosin kyl totaalisesti tossa asiayhteydessä tolle Aragonin "Everyone has a little Francis in them" :----D

Everyone has had Francis in them.

...En sit sanonu tota.


P.S. Tajusin et Hetalia Gamesin voi lyhentää H-Games. :DDDD NYT MÄ TIEDÄNKI ET MITÄ PELEJÄ SE UNKARI LAINAS KANADALLE x'D Tää selittää paljon asioita. ...Uhhh joo, tosi selkeä olen. Mut mulla on hauskaa. 8D


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