precious dog Siiri best friend is gone! TTwTT This sucks! I think I'm crying my eyes out..and my head is killing me..
Siiri was feeling ill. She didn't want to eat. All that she could do was to sleep. She seemed to be in pain..this summer just was too much for her. She had diabetes and she was blind and she was doing well but these past few days she looked like these would be her last days in this world so I had to let her go..The doctor said that we could try to keep her alive with medication but I didn't want her to suffer anymore 'cos she was looking so ill..her body just couldn't keep on living anymore..Even the doctor said that it would be best for Siiri to just go for the otherside..Siiri left very peacefully..and that's very important thing 'cos she did so much for me for being there so I wanted her passing away to be peaceful..
I can't even fully understand that she's gone..I still feel like she would be here..I just can't see her..only feel. I already miss her so much but it's better this way..
I miss her every day greetings for me and her good mood..I was never lonely when she was around. Eventhough she's not here she's still in my mind every day..
I'll meet you again someday..just you wait..