


Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again.


- Vanhempi »

Diary of IdiocityTiistai 17.08.2010 02:03

Time and time again I feel like a child who got ice cream, other times I feel like the ice cream has fallen to the ground. From every matter, I can bring up something good or bad. My personality insists that I bring up the bad.
I do not know when I'm sleeping, when I'm just dreaming or when I'm only being paranoid. I can't help of wondering; is my life meaning something to someone? Parhaps. Do I care? I don't know. I feel good thinking, that I mean something, but on the same I feel limited. If someone cares of me, I can't kill my self. I just can't bring myself to hurt people who might care about me.
Although, I may just be a tool, a toy people use just as they please. Would I accept this if it makes the people happy? That I'll keep wondering in my bloody sleep.

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