


Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again.


- Vanhemmat »

Diary of Idiocity - The endTorstai 23.12.2010 21:16

In the end I have realized what my mistake was, it was only that I wasn't myself. If I hadn't tried to be something... else... My life would be much brighter at the moment.
I don't know if it would've lasted but... I wouldn't have punished myself for all this time, thus losing more and more everyday.
By now I don't know if I have anything left... But I do know not to make the same goddamned mistake twice.
In the end I have learned my lesson, though hard it was. It took many friends lost to have realized it. Parhaps now I'll be able to build a future for myself to live in too.

My apologies and merry Christmas to all.

Here end the Diary of Idiocity.

Diary of IdiocityMaanantai 08.11.2010 21:55

Look at the world from the window. What do you see? A calm place with a cold breeze of life. That is only chaos masked as peace.
Do you have to be alone to feel lonely? No.
When do you know someone? Approximately when they know you.
When is the life going to end? When you give up on living.
The moment draws near. Bring the candle and lit it on the floor.
Taste my blood as if it was your own. Rend your comrades flesh for me, only to bring yourself free from the ties they bring you.

Diary of IdiocityTiistai 17.08.2010 02:03

Time and time again I feel like a child who got ice cream, other times I feel like the ice cream has fallen to the ground. From every matter, I can bring up something good or bad. My personality insists that I bring up the bad.
I do not know when I'm sleeping, when I'm just dreaming or when I'm only being paranoid. I can't help of wondering; is my life meaning something to someone? Parhaps. Do I care? I don't know. I feel good thinking, that I mean something, but on the same I feel limited. If someone cares of me, I can't kill my self. I just can't bring myself to hurt people who might care about me.
Although, I may just be a tool, a toy people use just as they please. Would I accept this if it makes the people happy? That I'll keep wondering in my bloody sleep.
- Vanhemmat »