
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

ahhahaTorstai 26.03.2009 22:24

Home Swat Home
Current mood:  awake

Hello English Chums!

We have landed in England and all is well with Thanks to the whole continent of Australasia for putting up with us pale, spotty, puke whilst running on the beach poms!

Ive had my pathetic excuse of hair destroyed to start fresh, been to westfield (amazing) and bought a venus fly trap, hung out with my dogs, nearly crashed my car and filled 12 XL bin bags with old clothes that i dont want, so check out your local Oxfam and see if you can find the t-shirt i wore in the 5 colours video.

Be safe guys and try not to live your life like just get laughed at.

Love yall!


hehehehehhehhe en epäile noist mitää 8D

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