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WELCOME TO THE WONDERLAND TOURPerjantai 19.10.2007 03:15

hhihiii ;)

song's called silence is a scary sound and it goes like this.

i look into the sky
and i have to ask why
she'd go and leave me
oh why
do feelings have to die
was it all just a sign
of what it's meant to be

well i'm just too excited
the end like this can't be sighted
she's over due for a break up
better go she blows my brains out
silence is a scary sound

funny feeling happened today someone buried in the past
didn't mean much that much anyway
i know that love won't ever last.<sydän>

luv ya kreetta<sydän>
theres a hole in my mind when you're not next to me &lt;sydän&gt;

me pidetään kiva ilta ja yö,niinku viime syyslomallaki!:)
sillon oli tosi mukavaaaaa 8)


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