vou whatta vak kinkku poker on vitun jees iee vittu, kone paskana noin kolme viikkoo ei vieroitus oireita am i cure, nmäää i don't think sou but what fucking ever and so, ou jee vittu joo vittu its sixtyfuckingtree days till our europeen tour 2007 fucking wacken, so, ou jees, uu don't know, okey so, we, and when i say we, i mean me and kimmo and suski are going wacken europe tour 2007 so, we are havingso fucking much fun that assoff, (there's one siit open in car) okei 63 days anymoire till our world tour begin, i jus can weit, okei there is till 75 to wacken but u gona hear about me sooner till , nää fuck i most go nouw, beer is good , yeah !!!!