curse u! sure u to hell Dragon Ball: evolution!
what a kill joy that was... i mean yes the movie was good, but it dindt seem to stick in characters and looks of the originals characters. that is what shitted me of. but what made me nearlly wanna cry was the way they prounounced every thing... in stead of KI.. they said it like this KEY! i was like.. no.. no ... no
and just other little things wanted me to go and cut myself in the corner :D
not only that i miss read the times to start with, went all the way there 'one ticket please" go in start watching.... THE WRONG MOVIE X'''D
i'm like.. waaaait a second.. this is not very DBZ-ish...
no.. thats because it was Race to witch mountain.. which was ok.. so since i had paid for the movie i watched it and then had to buy a another ticket to watch DB
oh for those of u you do not know, yesterday was horrible... my dear great friend Chrissy died of cancer. it was really a shock to us all.. because we had only seen her walking in the shop the other day and then then next she was gone...i dont know what to feel about it but... it just weird that a lotta death and breaking up is happening right now. it really saddnes me
that and my weight gain of 15kgs... that sadnes me too...