i'm having what i can only call a freaking out.
i was pondering last night.
after i finish working for riitta.. what will i do? get a job yes i guess.. but i dont have to be a uneducated hick! i do want to go to school
what... what if it doesnt work out... what if i end up being a bogan for the rest of my life D:
and and what if i get sent back to australia... i have no where to go here. i know school i can get into here... but its like 9000$ a year to study at them... and u have to move to the big cities... far far away form my family and what little friend i have left... no.. not just bigger cities... but others STATES! and it all cost so much money and i have so little money.
ahhhoooo.. dear god.. also.
me and mum.
she never goes away always finding something to argue about. comming up with stupid reasons to yell at me. half the time i SWEAR TO GOD! she just wants to punch me... for no reason... because i dont want to argue with her and i just leave her be, but no she has to keep going even when i agree with her!
i wish she would just leave me alone!
its taking too long to get all the stuff i need to get to finland, i'm hoping it will be here...VERY soon because i am running out of time and i am having like... panic attacks from it.
i am FORVERLY fighting with people at work, its getting to the point i am getting rather nasty and just prefure to be left on my own as there are so few that i get along with now days bar a few that r ok.
i'm sick of being fat! how did i let this happen!? dam bitch you r getting fat, i gotta do something about this but its kinda hard here in Port Augusta with its tiny gym that costs an arm and a leg to go to! and the fact that i workall day and if i go out at night i could be saaaaay... BASHED or RAPED!
dam u all to helllllll....
stress stress stress....
i think i should be medicated or something... i'm becoming a twitching manic ball of mess, its amazing my hair hasnt fallen out of something.... not that i would mind right now sinces its FUCKING PINK! (still DX<)
mostly... i'm lonley, and i have no suport here. no one wants to help me get to finalnd, they all want me to fail so i stay...
its very tiring after a while having every one work against u and always having to do everything on your own and be alone in more then one way.
i have been meaning to ring every one because i dont feel so lonley when i hear your voices... but after my last phone bill.... i dont know when i can ring you guys next or if i can again... it was $300... for 4 calls.... 1 to tiia, 1 to cappi, 1 to mira and then add another $60 because i rang mert as well.
i want to ring you guys every day... but i cant... not just because of money... but i have horrible freak outs just before i ring you guys. i'm so scared your like.. busy or something and i'm annoying you, or that you dont want to talk with me because i dont really have anything intresting to say and life is so down and depressing here, no one wants to hear that.
i'll addmit it, the hardest one to call is mert, because his life is so intresting right now and mines is so... blah and is big mess, i dont wanna call and the only thing i have to say is i miss you i'm depressed...
and when i hang up from you guys... i feel so much worse then before because i'm reminded how alone i am here. its like.... being pulled underwater and not being able to get to the surface...a kind of drowing in ones self feeling is all i can describe it as.
After i ring mert or mira... i normally have to go and be alone so i can cry and feel horrible... because mum is so angry all the time that is she sees me she gets angry at me and every one gets angry at my fins saying that they r the reason that i'm sad.. well yes.. they are... but its not their fault, i've just beocme too attached... and its something i have never done before, become to attached to some one. and its weird i must say and out of character for me, but i like it and i cant give it up.
the bestest thinga nd most brightest thing i am looking forwards to, even more then comming back to finland is seeing mira again here.... hurry up!
i hope your all having a much better time then me.
i know this is rather depressing and no one wants to hear how shit and depressed i am, i dont even want to hear i wouldt like hearing that you guys were that way....
but.. writting it out helps me deal with it more.
i go now