for the last month i have been thinking about things and have noticed something going on around me.
its all so fast. all my friends are moving so fast their life is like on constant fastforward when i feel like i'm in slow motion. they are all growing up and moving on to bigger better things and i am still in the same place in life i was when i was 17 years old...
i must admit... i feel kind of left behind.
all my friends are coupleing up... both Australian and Finnish...
and i feel... kinda lonely in that part of my life. suddenly every one has a some one, and i'm still awkward 17 year old..
thats what it feels like i guess. i think thats why i want a dog. a dogs never going to leave you, their your partner for their whole life and they never think that your too fat or your ugly this morning.. yeah.. i think thats why.
i kinda miss my family in Australia alot at the momnet... because with my family, i'm very close. i miss dylan, we were very close.
i miss getting tight hugs and jumping around.
i miss being in love...
i guess i should not complain. i have traveled so much to places people only dream about. and seen things people would never think of. i live a life thats never still.. but at the same time.. its lonely at the top.
i dont think i can ever be complete.. my two halves will never be one, because i can not bring Finland and Australia together. and both of them are who i am, and i wold love to be whole, but i dont think i can be.
i get stressed thinking about having to leave one behind...
i worry about losing friends who are more like family... i worry about losing family.
i'm lost in my own fog. i need some one to guild me out i think.
i want some icecream