


is a crazy teapot

the end of the worldLauantai 05.09.2009 17:46

In my head I repeat our conversations,
Over and over 'til they feel like hallucinations,
You know me, I love to lose my mind.
And everytime anybody speaks your name,
I still feel the same, I ache, I ache, I ache inside.

badweekPerjantai 04.09.2009 19:19

so like i have 3 weeks left until i come back to finland and i am like.. so highly strung right now its not funny.. the tinyest thing has me up in arms.
i'm sooo nervous about going through china again and what i will do once i get to helsinki becaus ei haent heard form riitta and i dont know if she has baby yet. and i'm so fucking pissed off that i miss both mert birthday and his PRW thingy.
i'm worried about liveing with maija and what if i'm no good with the baby and what if i fail my finnish classes D:
and every one here is dying... in the last 2 year 7 people i know have just.. died
i have soo much i still have to do.. and i cant take everything because i have run out of rooma nd i dont fit my clothes and gahh... family is killing me!!!!
i have just noticed how much i HATE alot of people at work and around town and some of my friends have branded me a fucking horrible tratior because i am moving back to finland and wont speak to me and gahhh OMG OVER LOAD!
deeeep breath Taryn.
i want Mira back here D= she made me feel so much better.
oh i had a ex-fat woman who lost like over 100kgs lift up her dress and show me all her skin today... it was like she was a melted candle... i dont think i will be able 2 think sexy thoughts ever again.
i want to add to my tattoo... i have been thinking about it so much i am so decide to add more to it like vines or stars or.. or ... both!

oh and i nearly broke my leg but managed to bruise and strain all my left hand instead, lucky me :D

this week just keeps on getting better

ohhhh.... piddleTorstai 27.08.2009 16:05

34 days and counting...
fuck face butcher... was actually nice to me.. i think i'm still in shock
i only have 3 weeks left of work.. thank fuck!
i cant wait to see u all again, its going to be like getting all my christmases at once 8D
i just cant stop thinking about you all, i have soooo much planned for next year, i cant wait
i will come baring fruchocs for u all when i come home so we can have a fruchoc party.. yay

also i sooo badly wanna see 9
and alice <3

compiSunnuntai 23.08.2009 12:25

YES oh god yes. we finialy got a new compter!!! i'm using it now.. holy shit and msn works and so does my web cam and i can even download.. life is good... <3
ack i cant believe how little amount of time i have left before i come home, dammmm i miss you all soo fucking much its not funny. i wish i was coming sooner so i could see mert PRW i'm really cut and hurt about misisng that but i know he will make me proud, i'm also really happy my friends are finialy not trying to kill each other glee <3

37 days till i come home <3
26 days till i quit work!!!

OMGTorstai 20.08.2009 17:11

Guess what i did today.
something i havent done in like.. dam.. ages.. looong time...
i brought pantiesss!!!!
and le gasp
Mert would be so proud n_n
infact i spent over 200$ on movie and panties... because lets face it... no one wants to see that X'D
watch out world... (Finland) Taryns Ass grew... but at least its covered now

KOOOOTTTTTIIIII!!!!Keskiviikko 12.08.2009 07:50

i'm about to orgasim over an email

blaaaahTiistai 11.08.2009 10:53

well... Mira has left and i'm back in port augusta....
blah... life sucks
and tattoos hurt DX

mira in down-underSunnuntai 02.08.2009 15:36

Mira has been here for 2 weeks now... and it is easilly the BEST two week EVER!
ahhh... sweet joy. we spent sooooo much money on clothes and shoes in adelaide and went and held koala's and fed and pet kangaroos. i got mugged by roo's i think i had the whole zoo following me.
we have eaten... soooooo much. like.. so much its insane.
well... we ate kangaroo and tomorrow we eat crocodile... hmmm the fair came to town and we went on some really fast rides... mira came sooo close to throwing up on me... sevral times....
today we went for a drive to see dylan play foot ball and then drove to the top of the mountins... the veiw was.. gah beautiful.
we have both brought 1kg bags of fru-chocs and face masks and chips and chocolate and about 5 movies and we r having a movie night tonight after dinner.
tomorrow we r going to my nanna's beach house and fishing and looking for crabs and then the next day we r going on a dolphin boat ride... hmmm and motor bike riding and go-kart riding... also other stuff i guess and then friday afternoon we will go back to adeliade.. spend... more.. barhahhaha... and then spend the weekend there and then... and then.. gah... she has to go back on the 10th monday D: i'm sad already.. like.. totally sad....

GleeeePerjantai 17.07.2009 17:48

i'm sooo fucking COLd right now
why is it so cold D:
woot woot super uber ultra happyness mira is here wednesday!!!! earily too so i can take her shopping and eating... YAY!!!.. what.. 5 days for her... only 4 FUCKING DAYS FOR ME.
ahhhh... i think i might pee myself i'm so happy n_n

hmmmm....Torstai 16.07.2009 16:14

i think... that alot of my friends must think i'm stupid. because they lie to me... and dont think that i will find out.
And now days.... i'm past my anger.
And its more like just being very disapointed.
I like to think of myself as a very patiant and understanding person. i can usually see someone elses point of veiw rather easyily and because of that... i find it much easyer to understand and be forgiving...
however... even when i understand peoples actions... this does not mean i'm not very disapointed in them.
i'm sick of being lied to.