so like i have 3 weeks left until i come back to finland and i am like.. so highly strung right now its not funny.. the tinyest thing has me up in arms.
i'm sooo nervous about going through china again and what i will do once i get to helsinki becaus ei haent heard form riitta and i dont know if she has baby yet. and i'm so fucking pissed off that i miss both mert birthday and his PRW thingy.
i'm worried about liveing with maija and what if i'm no good with the baby and what if i fail my finnish classes D:
and every one here is dying... in the last 2 year 7 people i know have just.. died
i have soo much i still have to do.. and i cant take everything because i have run out of rooma nd i dont fit my clothes and gahh... family is killing me!!!!
i have just noticed how much i HATE alot of people at work and around town and some of my friends have branded me a fucking horrible tratior because i am moving back to finland and wont speak to me and gahhh OMG OVER LOAD!
deeeep breath Taryn.
i want Mira back here D= she made me feel so much better.
oh i had a ex-fat woman who lost like over 100kgs lift up her dress and show me all her skin today... it was like she was a melted candle... i dont think i will be able 2 think sexy thoughts ever again.
i want to add to my tattoo... i have been thinking about it so much i am so decide to add more to it like vines or stars or.. or ... both!
oh and i nearly broke my leg but managed to bruise and strain all my left hand instead, lucky me :D
this week just keeps on getting better