


Sorry for Party Rocking

Children Of Bodom - Tie My RopeSunnuntai 11.05.2008 23:07

Did everyone that we charmed how 'bout you check the rim of life
Pain, that nothings gonna be down where you walk the rocky road!
The way that you won't touch yourself, motherfuckin' dream!
Your mother is old not one id want to WAKE UP WITH!

Yeah! my life's a roadmap of pain
Oh Yeah! But i like a life full of shame
Tie my rope, one more time!

Did every bit I know destroy you last night
I would have never thought I'd broke my greatest toy in another fight
Looking for hair that will pop me tomorrow, why am I looking, oh why?
Because that's good you're a woman, WAKE UP WITH

Yeah! my life's a roadmap of pain
That's right! But i like a life full of shame
Tie my rope!

Tell me why, so i can quietly bitch and moan
To this light, that I'm not going down!
Hang me by, the rope you tied for me!
Lift me up, while I'm still alive!

Tell me why, so i can quietly bitch and moan
To this light, that I'm not going down!
Hang me by, the rope you tied for me!
Lift me up, while I'm still alive!

Tell me why, so i can quietly bitch and moan.
To this light, that I'm not going down!
Hang me by, the rope you tied for me!
Lift me up, while I'm still alive!

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