Good evening ladys and gentlemen and welcome to the Universal Amphitheater!
Well here it is: the late nineteenseventys going on nineteeneightyfive!
Yuo know, some of the music we hear here today is reprogrammed electronic disco, we never get a chanse to hear from master bluesmen back in singing their craft anymore.
By the year 2006 the music known today as the blues, will exisist only in the plastical records to rent from your local public library!
So tonight ladys and gentlemen, while we still can....
Ei ihan menny niin, ku elokuvassa Bues Brothers siis ennustettiin... Kyllä sitä bluussia vissiin vieläkin saa ostettuu levylaupoista...? Käykääpä joku vilkasee mun puolesta... x)