


aamutähti otsalla astelet yön laitoja

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 19.06.2006 16:38

Vastaa kysymyksiin yhden bändin laulujen nimillä =D


[1] Are you male or female?
Drowned Maid

[2] Describe yourself?
Evil Inside

[3] How do you feel about yourself?
Better Unborn

[4] Describe what you are thinking right now?
Grieve Stricken Heart

[5] Describe your current girlfriend?

[6] Describe the place you currently live?
Far From The Sun

[7] If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Into Hiding

[8] Your best friend is?
Brother Moon

[9] What would you ask for if you had just one wish?
The Way

[10] You know that:
The Night Is Over

[11] What's the weather like?
Summer´s End

[12] If your life was a television show, what would it be called?

[13] What is life to you?
Mourning Soil

[14] What is the best advice you have to give?
Killing Goodness

[15] If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

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