


you make me feel brand new, yeah

•Sunnuntai 26.09.2010 03:29

Can't feel it any more
Can't see the point at all
Can't make it back to shore
Like brothers and sisters
Not in love any more
Not getting along at all
Ready for a war

I'm dead inside
I lost my heart
In the middle of this fight
I've been dead inside
since you turned your back on me

It used to be alright
It used to be so fine
There used to be sunshine

Like mothers and fathers
Can't talk any more
Can't get along at all

Ready for a war

I'm dead inside
I lost my heart
In the middle of this fight
I've been dead inside
since you turned your back on me

Can't feel it any more
Can't see the point at all
Can't make it back to shore
Not in love any more
Not getting along at all
I lost my heart
A long time ago
I don't believe it's growing back
in this life

I lost my heart
A long time ago
I don't believe it's growing back
in this life

I'm dead inside
I lost my heart
In the middle of this fight
I've been dead inside
since you turned your back on me

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